Chapter 10 Temari and Arrow Demon

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Tamayo and Kumiko laid the unconscious woman on a hospital bed. Tamayo sent Yushiro to get Tanjiro rather than Kumiko. Yushiro protested against bringing Tanjiro but followed orders anyways. Tamayo decided to let Kumiko take the rein on stitching the woman's wound under supervision of course. Kumiko ended up doing better than Yushiro did at first time.

"You have a doctor's hand Kumiko. Gentle and composed as one should be."

"Thank you, Tamayo-sama." Kumiko said bashfully. She stiffened up when Tamayo hugged her. She had to restrain herself from wriggling out of Tamayo's arms. Kumiko never refused Tamayo's hugs. They had a warmth that always soothed her to sleep. Not this hug. This one was constricting. The type of hug one gives to someone they nearly lost. A knock came from the door.

Tamayo pulled away and said, "Come in." 

"I've returned ladies." Yushiro boasted. Tanjiro and Nezuko followed him into the room.

"Welcome back." The women greeted.

Nezuko ran up to hug Kumiko. She reciprocated the hug before Yushiro or Tanjiro could pull Nezuko away.

"Sorry for leaving you to take care of everything. How's the lady?" Tanjiro inquired.

"She will make a full recovery but...her husband had to be restrained in the basement." The lament in Tamayo's aura swelled at the mention of the demon husband.

"Isn't it uncomfortable to be treating humans with all the blood?" Tanjiro's innocent question gartered Yushiro to hit him in the chest.

"Do you think demons can choke back their drool while treating humans?" He asked through gritted teeth. Tanjiro looked down guiltily mumbling an apology.

"Don't resort to violence Yushiro." Tamayo and Kumiko warned.

"Tanjiro try to be a little more sensitive okay." Kumiko added.

"It's alright Kumiko." The distress in Tamayo's aura said otherwise. "To answer your question, it is not difficult for me as it is for other demons. I made tweaks to my body to overcome the bloodthirst and I removed Kibutsuji's curse." She paused. "Let's go somewhere else to speak."

She led them to the tatami room. To Tanjiro's horror, Nezuko laid on floor though Tamayo assured him it was fine. Kumiko was more focused on Nezuko then the conservation itself. Tamayo was just telling Tanjiro things Kumiko knew beforehand. Kumiko attentively watched Nezuko roll on the tatami floor like a dog and undoing the knots on her hair. The conversation shifted to the cure for demonization that Tanjiro wanted to get for Nezuko. It was then that Tamayo asked Tanjiro for Nezuko's blood sample as well as for blood from other demons much like she did with Kumiko. The conversation ended just as a Temari throw through the room. Yushiro shielded Tamayo and Kumiko while Tanjiro shielded Nezuko. The Temari returned to a short-haired demoness wearing an orange kimono and a black sweater. Behind her was a male demon, a yellow and black kimono and a blue bead necklace.

"Did you decide how to kill them?" He asks.

"Vindictively!" The demoness responds, throwing the Temari and giggling as if this were a game to her. The Temari further wreck the house and expose the residents through the large hole on the wall. "You were right Yahaba. This building appeared out of nowhere."

"The handiwork of a Blood Demon Art. What's going on here? Are the demon slayers accompanied by demons?"

"It's time to have some fun."

"I have to say Susamaru your way of doing things is so immature. So careless. You splattered my kimono with dust!" Yahaba scolds.

"Stop whining! We found them right away thanks to my Temari." Susamaru bounces her Temari on the floor. The dust settles in the house giving both sides a good view of their opponents.

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