- Again -

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- No One's POV -

     "Who are you here to see, then?" the old man asked curiously. Jotaro didn't respond. Joseph looked around the room and studied all the faces, to try to find out. Jotaro looked slightly annoyed and was looking away, but a little pink dusted his toned cheeks. Avdol was calmly sipping tea in the corner, talking to Polnareff about hobbies. Kakyoin was deep in thought.
Kakyoin's voice broke the awkward silence, "Oh yeah! The flowers..!"
     He ran over to a wall of flowers, all different kinds. Jotaro walked up behind Kakyoin, his hands in his pockets, watching over Kakyoin's shoulder.
     Kakyoin grabbed some white roses and gardenias, putting them into the bouquet. He grabbed some small blue sea lavender fillers and handed Jotaro the bouquet.

- Kakyoin's POV -

     "This," Polnareff said in awe, walking up behind me, "Is the perfect bouquet! They will be swept off of their feet by this..!"
"You should try making a bouquet sometime, Polnareff," I said, smiling at him. I turned to Jotaro to see he was staring at the flowers, his hat perfectly covering his eyes. He looked up, eyes closed and smiling, "This is perfect. Thank you Kakyoin."
'Holy shit that smile. I must protect that rare beautiful smile-.'
      My face turned bright red. I covered my face, pretending to cough.
"Y-you're welcome..! Do you need a note, too?"
      He nodded, the smile gone. Jotaro and I walked over to the counter, and I grabbed a piece of note paper, along with a pen. I handed it to him, and he started writing. I turned to Polnareff, seeing he was smirking. I glared at him and turned back around.
      Jotaro was paying Avdol. Avdol thanked him, and walked to the back room. I looked back there and saw Polnareff reading a book. 'How to make a Nice Bouquet for Anybody'.
      Avdol sat down next to him and said something I couldn't hear, but whatever it was, it made Polnareff smile.
      "So," I heard Jotaro say. I turned around.
"Thanks again for the flowers."
"Yep! I hope the person receiving them gets the message!" I smiled at him. He stayed silent for a second.
"Are you... perhaps, free during lunch?" he asked.
"I am, yes."
"Would you like to get lunch with me later? At the same cafe, if you'd like." he smiled.
"Bye, Kakyoin."
"Bye bye!" I waved goodbye as he walked out the door. When he disappeared from sight, I sighed.
'Holy shit.'
"So, Kakyoin," I heard Polnareff's voice behind me, "You got a 'date', huh?" He smiled smugly.
"What? No! I'm just eating lunch with him, that's all."

     Avdol came from the back room.
"Actually, Avdol and I were going to get lunch together, too. Mind if we come along with you?"
"I don't mind."
"Yay! This will be kind of like a 'double date'!" Polnareff exclaimed.

     Avdol was clearly shocked at that sentence. Polnareff had a little pink on his face.
'My turn to be smug now!'
I mentally fist pumped proudly.

     I smirked at Polnareff, "Double date, huh?"
"Pff, w-what, no..-!" Polnareff stammered.
"Whatever," Avdol interjected, "We have work to do. Someone's coming. Get to work, guys."

     The doorbell rang as another customer walked in. I looked at my wristwatch. 7:38...
I sighed.
'It's going to be a long time 'till 10:00 AM... Oh well..'

      I got to work with the person who came in. It wasn't a person, but two people. A couple, maybe? One was a blonde, with long hair and black stud earrings. He appeared to be annoyed, his lips curling into a small frown. He was very pale. The other man, however, looked like his opposite. He had blue, vibrant hair, as well as his eyes. He smiled widely, holding the other man's hand. The blonde was visibly blushing.
     I put on my customer service smile, "Hi! How can I help you?"
The blue-haired man turned to me, "Hi! Dio here wanted to ask you a question." He pointed at the red-eyed man, his name seeming to be Dio. "Don't treat me like a child, Jojo..!" He said annoyed. Jojo just laughed quietly. "Do you have hydrangeas?"
I pointed to the wall of flowers, "Yes! We have many over there, along with other flowers. Pick however many you like."
Dio said nothing,until Jojo nudged him, "Be polite..!"
Dio sighed, scowl still on his face, "Thanks..."
Jojo smiled and hugged Dio, Dio wriggling in the grip of the other man. They walked over to the wall and started picking flowers.
     I went to the back room and saw that Avdol was tending to plants. Polnareff was still reading his book. "Polnareff, it's your turn to go up front."
He closed his book, "Alright."

𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 (a Jotakak story)Where stories live. Discover now