- Melody -

126 9 4

A/N: I hope everyone is doing okay right now! I know that we can get through these tough times together if we stay smart and stay alert. Be safe! 

     He motioned for me to follow and led me to a room with a dusty-looking door. He brushed the dust off and opened it, revealing a somewhat large room with a piano in the middle of it, a single light hanging from the ceiling. The solitary light illuminated the piano and a small radius around it. Small dust particles flew visibly into the light, then back into the darkness. Dirty, fogged up windows were placed on the side of the room, letting small rays of sunlight in. It had a weirdly soothing but chilling vibe to it.

I looked back to Jotaro, who looked at me in the eye, before walking into the room. I followed him silently. He stood right in front of the piano, before stopping and looking back at me. He smiled subtly and sat down, hovering his hands over the keys. I saw a stool near the piano, so I scooted it over and sat next to him. Jotaro closed his eyes and breathed in and out. His hands started gliding across the piano keys as the chords he played rung out from the inside of the dusty instrument. The start of the song was almost distinct to it. The low going to high and back again. It was such a magical tune. 'Lose It' by Oh Wonder. I knew this song as well.

I zoned out, closing my eyes and thinking about things. The chords filled the room, a beautiful echo making it almost ethereal.

"Yo.. in.."

"Ka.. i.."


I jumped from the sudden sound, "Y-yeah?"

"You were spacing out. I thought you were sleeping or something," He turned away, "Di.." I looked at him, "Did you say something?"

"Um," he looked worried, "Did you like it..?" My mouth was agape and eyes were in fake shock, "How could I not like it!? That was incredible!!" I put my hands up in the air. "I didn't think a brooding type guy like you would play piano," I shrugged and smirked, "But you know, you should never expect someone to be exactly like they seem." 

     He smiled, "I guess that's true,-"

     A buzzing sound came from my pocket. I took out my phone, turning it on. The light from it lit up the room, which was startling for a moment. Jotaro looked up. A notification on my screen displayed Polnareff's contact name and a message.


'Mr. Joestar is feeling a bit better! Turns out he was actually just suffering from pollen allergies. 🤷🤷'


     I told Jotaro about what Polnareff had found out, before receiving another text from him.


'You should still come to the flower shop to see him. Avdol and I are there with him rn so you should bring Joot! 😛😉🙏'


     I audibly blushed from the nickname and emojis. Why, oh why did Polnareff have to be this way?

- ゴ -

     "Oh, you guys are going to the hospital," Holly questioned, "Do you need me to drive you there?" 

     I clasped my hands together, "That would be very nice, thank you!" I got in the back-seat of her car and closed the doors. I put my seat belt on, earning a small glance and smile from Jotaro. He sat in the front with his legs crossed and read a book about marine life.  Ms. Kujo listened to music on the car radio, while I texted Polnareff. I informed him that we were on our way, and that we would be there in a few minutes.

     I rested my head on the window and closed my eyes, wandering back into the daydream world. The song that Jotaro had played echoed in my head, and the way he looked playing it was a permanent picture. Still, I can't believe a tough-looking guy like him, delinquent look and all, would play piano. And so beautifully, too. 

     Damn it. I think I'm catching feelings.

(696 Words. Sorry for the short chapter! I've been really excited to get something out.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 (a Jotakak story)Where stories live. Discover now