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blarggg i'm so tired. school got me radiating ghiaccio vibes.

- Kakyoin's POV -

     Avdol got a text from Mr. Joestar saying that he wasn't feeling too well, and not many customers are coming, so he was closing the shop for the day. Avdol let Polnareff and I get off of work early since the shop was closed, and because he needed to go check on Mr. Joestar.
"I can't believe we got off work after lunch! And on our second day!" Polnareff put his hand behind his head, walking to the bus stop, "Talk about luck-y~!"
"It's pretty crazy right," I said, smiling, "I can't wait to go home and relax. My neck still hurts."
     I rubbed my neck, trying to massage it.
"Speaking of my sore neck, what happened when the bus almost got into an accident? I can't remember clearly," I smiled sheepishly.
Polnareff grinned, "Oh! When the bus halted abruptly, you were flung forward onto Jojo's ch-." Jotaro glared at Polnareff, but to no avail, "ch...est." Polnareff smiled innocently and backed away from Jotaro a little.
"Wait.. what-..?" I was confused. Jotaro covered his face with his hat and made a 'tsk' sound.

'But it was rock hard. I think I hit a pole or something-. His chest couldn't bruise my neck and face like that.'
'It might've been his chest.'
"I-.. you.. uhm, what?" I stammered, "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"
My face was bright red, I could hear Polnareff snickering behind me. "Yeah, I'm alright.."
I sighed in relief. I stared at his face for a bit longer, and realized his face was a bit red, too.
     Right as we got to the bus stop, the bus pulled up. Polnareff was going to his house, so he was going to get off with me. Jotaro is probably going home, so he's going to be off before us.
"Hey, Kakyoin." He said.
I turned, "Hm?"
"Do you want to come to my house? My mother would like to meet you." He offered.
'I-. Wait wouldn't that mean-...'
"Sure." I smiled.

     The rest of the bus ride was nice. Polnareff, Jotaro and I talked about what we would do if we had to defeat a horny gay vampire with each other.

"I think I could totally do it with you guys. I'm skilled with the rapier." Polnareff smiled cheekily.
"I took boxing classes, but I'm not sure if I could defeat a vampire." Jotaro confessed, "Especially a horny one."
"You guys are actually productive? I've just drawn and played video games my whole life-." I said, with an awkward smile.
"I'm sure you could defeat a vampire, too. Who knows? Maybe you could strategize and lure them out into the sun." Polnareff suggested, "Why didn't I think of that earlier..?"
I laughed and smiled.

Polnareff's face lit up, "Ooh! Wait! Maybe you'd figure out his power and tell us in a secret code or somethin'..!"

    The bus stopped at a bench surrounded by high school kids. "Kakyoin. Our stop."
"Oh! Okay!" I gathered all of my stuff, and Jotaro helped me up. Before we left Polnareff said, "Kakyoin, wait," he gave me a piece of paper, "Here's my number. Call me if you need anything." He made a phone sign with his hand.
"Alright..!" I walked out of the bus waiting for Jotaro to follow behind. Once he got out of the bus, he tensed up. I was about to ask him if he was okay when...
"Ah! Jojo!!"
"Jojo! Hey!"
     Girls surrounded him, calling out his name. Some of them were hanging back, but blushing profusely. Some were trying to cling on to him while he and I walked to his house. They looked about, 17-20 age.
"Can you meet me after I come back from school, Jojo? Next to this bench?" A girl with raven-black hair asked, with a slight pout.
"No, meet me... Behind the school!" A girl with orange, poofy hair flirted.
"Could I take you to dinner, Jotaro?" A business woman said, flaunting her chest through her outfit. I squinted my eyes.
'How could someone be so vile..? Thinking that all men want are big breasts. Really...'
I was pushed out of the way by multiple girls trying to reach him. The breath in my mouth was knocked out. He looked at me get shoved and stopped walking. He attempted to walk towards me, but the crowd blocked his way, wondering what he was looking at. "Get out of my way! All of you bitches are so annoying!
I heard some small gasps from the crowd. The girls in front of him made a path for him to walk through, before screaming. Honestly, it was more like squealing. 

     Jotaro grabbed my wrist and walked away with me. "Are you okay, Kakyoin?" He inspected me for scratches or scrapes, "I'm sorry you had to deal with them.."
I laughed, "I'm fine. I didn't fall or anything, I was just pushed away." Despite me saying this, he still looked for injuries.
"Do you hurt anywhere?" He asked again in a concerned tone.
"No, I'm fine. Other than my headache from the spicy lamb." I put a finger to my head and smiled. He put his hands back into his pockets and smiled. "Let's get going, then." I hummed in response and followed beside him.

     When we finally reached his house, I studied it from the front. It was a traditional Japanese home. Wood and paper doors, a koi pond, plum blossom trees. Right when Jotaro stepped foot into the kitchen, he was attacked by his a woman, presumably his mother.
"Jotaro~! Welcome home!" She exclaimed. She only got a grumble in response. "I knew you missed your mother!" Jotaro's mom looked over to me, running and hugging me the same. "You must be Kakyoin! Jotaro has said so much about you!"
"Has he now?" I smiled at Jotaro, who covered his face with his hat and scoffed. His mom released me from the hug. "By the way, my name's Holly!" She smiled, "Now you boys wait for me in his room," she pointed at Jotaro, "I'll make you some tea!"
"Thanks, Miss Kujo." I smiled.
    We both went to Jotaro's room and sat down on the tatami around a chabudai. The room smelled of sweet oranges and white peaches. I breathed in and out, calming down a bit. "Kakyoin," he said calmly. 


"Earlier... you said your neck still hurts. Do you need ice?" I smiled, "Don't worry about it. It doesn't hurt very bad, so I can just ignore it."


     As soon as our short conversation ended, Holly slid open the paper door. "Hello, boys!" She set the tea tray down on the table. "Anything else you two need?" she smiled. I waved my hand, "No it's alright, thank you."

Once Holly left, I looked over to Jotaro, grinning, "What was Polnareff talking about earlier, hm?" Jotaro looked away. "Nothing, you just hit the pole you were holding onto when the bus stopped," Jotaro sipped his tea. I pondered for a little bit.

'Yeah, that's probably the case. Best not think about it too much.'

     I picked up my tea and sipped from it. Well, I didn't sip from it. It was really good, so I guess I uh... drank all of it. Jotaro seemed to notice, "You drank that up fast. Does it help?" I nodded, putting my hand around the side of my neck and rubbing. Jotaro had already finished his tea, so I picked up the tray and took it out to the kitchen. Jotaro trailed along behind me. Holly heard us walk into the room, turning and smiling, "Are you boys hungry?" I looked over to what she was cooking, and saw she was making lemongrass fish. "A little..!" I admitted.

     I walked over to Mrs. Kujo, "Do you need any help with anything, Mrs. Kujo?" She chuckled lightly, "No, thank you! Please relax and enjoy your time here."

     I sat down at the table and took my phone out of my pocket. I opened Spotify and plugged in my earbuds, playing my favorite playlist on shuffle.  The first song that played I recognized immediately. The echoing guitar and repeated drum beat at the beginning. 'Message in a Bottle' by Sting, started playing through my earbuds. Right as it got past the 30 second mark, I started humming it to myself quietly, closing my eyes.

    After the song ended and I had stopped humming, I opened my eyes to see that Mrs. Kujo had left. I was a little surprised at this, but soon the feeling went away as another song started playing. 'Heather" by Conan Gray. It was quite a nice song. The first few chimes at the beginning of the song immediately calming me down. As the soft guitar started playing I prepared myself to start humming again. Right as the vocals started, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I paused the song and took an earbud out of one ear, turning around to see who it was. Jotaro had taken his hat off and had a small smile on his face. My felt my face heat up slightly.

'Did I hum too loud..?'

'Is there something on my face?'

     Jotaro's smile faded as his hand habitually went up above his face to pull down his hat, but he clenched it into a fist and looked away. I turned off my phone and put my earbuds in my pocket.

"Kakyoin," he said quietly. I let out a small, 'Hm?' cocking my head slightly to the right. 

"Can I show you something?" I was a bit addled at first, but then nodded. He put out his hand to help me up, so I grabbed it and stood up. As soon as I was on my feet, I let go of his hand. 

(1656 Words!)

𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 (a Jotakak story)Where stories live. Discover now