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IN RETROSPECT, THIS WAS A VERY BAD IDEA. As of now, a group of fourteen freshman college students are currently trying to break into the the beautiful and expansive campus library to do in depth research about the ancient greek gods. The poorly planned idea stemmed from learning hours prior that they are the reincarnates of the olympian deities that ruled in the ancient times. It's a bad idea, an illegal one that could possibly get them all immediately expelled but they were desperate for answers and after a maelstrom of bad ideas. It's all a mess, really and it seemed like everything seemed to go downhill from there. At least breaking into a library with strangers counts as a bonding exercise.

The midnight sky is blanketed in illuminating stars that offered natural light for the group. The group followed after Dylan as the handsome blue-eyed boy lead them like a man on a mission. They were all quite, choosing to look at the stars instead of attempting conversation with one another due to nerves and anxiety still tense and still reeling from the events that took place in Advanced Greek Mythology class hours earlier and the fact that were about to break into a library to learn about their past selves.

But the more Aurora looked at this group, the more she found filling in spaces, slotting information together to create an almost scrap-book like image of them all. The main things she notice are the ambiance it's so loud, so vibrant and alive despite the wariness and anxiousness that's weighing on them all.

Standing in front of the university library's front door, Aurora realises that this is probably not going to be as easy as she originally expected it to be. She's chewing her bottom lip as Zayd picks the locks to the library. It shouldn't have been so easy but the cameras were down for repairs and the library has been standing for decades without renovations or upgrades in security, all in all making it an easy target to break into. Besides, the guard on watch was fast asleep.

Zayd pushes the wooden doors open and gestures for everyone to enter, before staying behind to shut and lock the doors. Everyone looks around, eyes widened with amazement, as they turn their flashlights on to look around. There are towering bookshelves filled with thousands of books that create a labyrinth of a library. Ladders and carts can be found leaning against shelves, unused. It was clear to everyone that this was going to take forever.

"We're so screwed! Look at this place! It's huge! What if someone finds us? We could get expelled or worse, go to jail!" Aurora whisper shouts, looking a little nervous.

𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 ꦼ ༄ 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐘 𝐅𝐈𝐂Where stories live. Discover now