𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐨𝐧𝐞 !

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kennyhey, lena texted me aboutwhat's going onkennyare u okay?

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hey, lena texted me about
what's going on
are u okay?

i'm so sad dude
i really liked this one

how about we go out?

WOAH there kenny
read the room

fuck off u know that's not
what i meant
I MEANT, why dont we go out
for some food and i can hug u
while u cry in public and be all

sounds like a plan

Liddie was sat across from Kenny at the café, slurping on her almost empty iced caramel macchiato. The noise was making Kenny's eye twitch in annoyance but he didn't want to tell her to stop in case the petite blonde started sobbing.

"That good?" He asked, not being able to fight his irritation anymore. Liddie nodded weakly and Kenny hummed, catching her eye."Yeah, sounds it."

Liddie scoffed, dropping her cup onto the table and pouting at her best friend. "You're supposed to be nice to me today."

"I can't do that if you're being annoying," Kenny said, aw'ing with a chuckle when he saw Liddie's lip quiver. "Come here."

Liddie got up from her chair and shuffled over to Kenny, dropping into his lap and letting him cradle her like a newborn child in the middle of the very crowded café.

"Say it." She whispered, closing her eyes in hopes to push her tears away.

Kenny frowned. "What?"

"Say 'I told you so'."

"I never told you to stay away from him." Kenny was growing confused. Had Liddie genuinely lost her mind during this not-a-breakup-because-they-weren't-together breakup?

Liddie sighed. "You told me he didn't like me while we were doing your podcast."

Kenny pouted, holding Liddie's face so that she would open her eyes and look at him. "I was only joking, Lids," He said. "I didn't expect him to treat you like this."

Liddie nodded with a sigh. "Yeah..." She answered, cuddling further into the comfort of her friend. "Me neither."

thanks so much for 40k reads!!

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