
385 22 7

(I don't understand how college works, so bear with me here eheheh. Or you can tell me :)

Seungmin came out of the lecture hall, famished. I mean, he could draw something while waiting for Felix, his class only ended at 12. Seungmin decided on going to the library, a quiet place where he can focus without any distractions-

"Hello!" Jeongin exclaimed as Hyunjin excitedly nodded. Seungmin held up a finger to his lips and looked around to check if a librarian was angrily storming their way here. He looked back and took out his sketchpad and drawing materials, Hyunjin looking back at his own work. Jeongin looked at Seungmin's sketchpad with curiosity and flipped the pages of the book (without Seungmin's consent) with excitement.

"YOU'RE DO GOOD!"Jeongin whisper-screamed as Seungmin thanked him with a little nod.
" Can you draw me?" Jeongin asked with a cheeky smile as Seungmin internally facepalmed and agreed.

Seungmin could feel Jeongin's eyes glued to the sketch as Jeongin whispered in a kind of creepy tone, "it looks so good,"

Seungmin felt a smile make its way to his lips but he immediately swallowed it down.


You don't deserve it.

You're nothing.

"You're pretty good, Seungmin," Hyunjin said with a grin. "T-Thanks," Seungmin muttered.

He felt accepted. Like he mattered.

But he doesn't.

Seungmin heard footsteps behind him, getting louder and louder. "Hey guys,"

"Hey bro," Hyunjin greeted as Jeongin waved. Chan put down his recording bag which looked pretty heavy to Seungmin, probably not for Chan though.

Seungmin could feel Chan's eyes on him.

Is it because of that day?
He hates me again, probably.

"Hi, Seungmin," Chan's voice snapped him out of his reverie.

Do something before you embarrass yourself again.

"H-hi," Seungmin stuttered as he flipped to a fresh page and started drawing something. He didn't know what. Maybe it was a building. Or the university. He'd just make it up as he went along.

"Oh! We have to go," Hyunjin said as Jeongin nodded and started packing his bag. "Byebye," They said as they rushed off.

That was too fast for Seungmin to process.

But the thing that he realised quickly was...

Him and Chan were alone.

Chan looked towards Seungmin, looking away from his laptop and taking off his headphones.

Seungmin gulped. He was in trouble.


"You ready to tell me now?"

Seungmin nodded a little, trying to gather up the little courage that he had and trying to swallow that lump in his throat that made him feel like fi he opened his mouth he would burst into tears.

"I...," Seungmin's voice was already shaky. And weak.




"It's okay, take your time," Chan said. It was like he noticed his struggle.

He felt comfortable with Chan. In a way he never knew before.

Like he could cry in front of him but he wouldn't judge. He could tell him anything and how he would perceive him wouldn't change.

He could say his past and Chan would still care.

"The wounds...were from...my father..." Seungmin coughed and Chan grabbed a tissue from his bag.

Talking about this was embarrassing.

But maybe it was for the best.

"He...beat me...because I was useless to him..."

Chan immediately lifted Seungmin gently on to his lap and hugged him tightly.

Like he would never let him go.

For the first time in years, Seungmin felt safe.

Safe in Chan's arms.

So Seungmin poured. Every single detail. From the abuse to the self-harm. Everything.

Chan cared.

And that was all he could ask for.

" That's alright, yeah? You'll get through this. I'll help you. Just - forget your father, k? Forget him. He's gone now. You have me," Chan said, and though Seungmin couldn't see his face because he was tucked into Chan's chest, he knew Chan was also struggling to maintain his composure.

They stayed like that for a while, bathing in each other's presence. The library was isolated, even the librarian wasn't there. Just the two of them.

"Felix is probably looking for you, let's head out, hm?" Chan asked gently, nudging Seungmin a little.

The two of them packed up and went out.


(this is trash, help)

protecting you no matter what - seungchan (stray kids) Where stories live. Discover now