85 - Ridiculous, Honestly

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Marra's POV:-

'How . . . I mean, how?'

'What are you saying, Mar?' Uncle asks, raising a concerned brow. He probably thinks I've lost my marbles.

'I mean, Es's vomit made all the other witches die and I don't even really know what happened,' I tell him. 'I mean, all's well that ends well . . . but just howza exactly?'

'Rasthrum did say killing the Coven would be the only way to get what you want. Es's powers have been growing exponentially since our jet landed in this place. She managed to get rid of the other witches . . . and you, Mar, your strength defeated the Grahi Witch.'

I look at my measly arms. 'I'm pretty sure WWE won't let me compete.'

Uncle smiles. 'Not physical strength. You lost a lot, but you stayed strong. In here.'

He keeps a finger on the left side of my chest. That's where the heart is, right? I sometimes confuse it being on the right.

'Still. I didn't get manipulated, okay, check. What about the Grahi Witch suddenly growing all weak and cowardly after her companions went poof?'

Uncle taps his finger - the one on his new hand - against my chest three times as a reply.

'No,' I say, reading his mind. 'Don't even say what I think you're going to say.'

'What do you think I'm going to say?'

'True love and friendship and all. I don't want that make-believe explanation.'

He laughs heartily. I do not quite see what's funny, so I ask. 'What?'

Uncle doesn't answer. It's obvious what he thinks the answer is.

Shaking my head.


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