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Huey POV

I got up early today and ran into Uncle Donald.

"Hi, Uncle Donald!" I called. Uncle Donald was my only relative, not counting April, so I always tried to be very nice to him.

"Hello, Huey," he answered calmly, looking through the newspaper and drinking coffee.

"Have you seen my sister April?" I asked him, looking around.

"Yes," he said, "She went out for a walk a few minutes ago. She should be back in a minute."

"Thanks, Uncle!" I said. I was still wearing pajamas, so I went to change. A few minutes later I was ready, I just had to brush my teeth.

"Are you up yet, Hue?" I heard a voice in the back.

"Yes," I said, looking at April. "Good to see you too."

"Would you like to come for ice cream with me?" she asked, ignoring what I said.

"You still ask?" I looked at her with a smile.

,,Let's go," she said with a smile and pulled my hand.

Dewey POV

Dewey! Dewey! DEWEY!" screamed Webby.

"Webby, calm down, I hear you!" I said, getting up.

"I'm sorry." Webby got confused. "You just didn't want to get up and we had to wake you up with May. Come on! Grandma makes pancakes!"

I was immediately revived at the sound of the word "pancakes. I got up quickly and got dressed.

"Good morning, Dewey," said in a calm voice Mrs. Beakly, who was actually my legal guardian.

"Good morning" I said.

"You're up at last, Dew!" said May at my sight.

"There's no hiding it," I said jokingly, and Webby laughed quietly. I loved it when someone laughed at my jokes. Sometimes I felt strange as the only boy here, but it was my family. As far as I know, all my relatives died in an accident a long time ago and Mrs. Beakly made us feel bad, so she took us in with May. Only Webby was her real family, but we acted like we were.

"Eat up now, kids, and don't be ridiculous!" said Mrs. Beakly sharply, and we nodded, chewing. One thing Mrs. Beakly has to admit, she could calm us down.

Louie POV

"Lou" screamed June, jumping on me.

"June" moaned, "You don't have to keep jumping on me, you know I like to sleep."

"Sorry," June got up, "but Scrooge wanted to talk to you."

"He wants to give me back all his gold?" I asked him excited.

"I don't know, but don't count on it," she said with laughter. I draped myself into the closet with my clothes and took out a green hooded sweatshirt, which I quickly changed into. Dressed up, I went to Scrooge's office.

"Oh, Louie, you are," he said.

"I am." I said, shaking my shoulders, "What is it?"

"What was that supposed to be?" he said, "I'm in the middle of a newspaper. There was a picture of everyone running scared from the fire, even though it was already extinguished, and I was drinking with a taste of PEP.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked him, preparing for a serious conversation.

"It was amazing, Louie!" screamed the happy Scrooge, 

"Thanks to this picture, people started buying PEP more often. They paid me the makers of PEP to promote them and..."

"So what?" I asked in hope.

"And you'll get a couple of dollars," he said with a smile, and I triumphantly raised my fist.

"Thanks, Uncle!" I said when Scrooge gave me a coupleteen notes. I never expected that in my life! Of our family, Scrooge was the most wealthy and the most frugal. That's right, family! I know almost nothing about them. All I know of my family is Scrooge, June and Launchpad, although he's not really my family. The rest of them died before I was born. I've been thinking about them a lot lately. What were they like?


I hope you like my new book! See you soon! 

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