We're not siblings?!

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April POV

,,Let's go back, my stomach hurts," I said, crouching, and Huey snorted laughter.

,,All right, sister," he said. I loved it when he called me sister-in-law, it was so cute. We walked slowly, talking about school. We were both the best students in the whole school, except that Huey went to the upper class.

,,We're home." I said, "I have an idea!"

,,What idea?" Huey asked me, clearly interested.

,,Let's look for something interesting in the attic!" I said, and Huey agreed.

,,Maybe I can find some pictures of our family there..." He said thoughtfully.

,,What?" I asked confused.

,,Lately I've been wondering what they were like and what they looked like. I'd like to know their names, but when I mention them, Uncle Donald pretends not to hear me and goes to fix something in the boat." Huey's turned his eyes.

,,I've been thinking about it too," I said, truthfully. We went into the attic without asking Uncle Donald's permission because he wasn't home.

,,Hey! I've got a box here that says, "old memories"! That could be it!" called a coupleteen minutes later, Huey. 

I walked up to him, looking at the little pink shoe box he was holding. It looked very old. Huey opened it and at first we couldn't see through the dust. Then, when it fell down, we looked at what was exactly there. There were only a few pictures, the rest were probably destroyed. We looked at what we had. In the first picture there was Uncle Donald and some girl with short white hair. They seemed very similar. Underneath the picture was "Donald and Della". In the second picture there was Donald, some gentleman in red clothes and a cylinder, a gentleman with a strange hairstyle, dressed in green and another gentleman with a red cap. The signature at the bottom said, "Dell took a picture for Donald, Scrooge, Gladstone and Feathry!" Next photo showed three eggs with Huey and two boys like him in them. Signature: "Huey, Dewey and Louie in eggs!" The last photo showed a lady with a fringe and a bow standing over me and two girls like me. At the bottom, it said, "April, May and June, when they're little!

,,WHAT?!?" we yelled at each other.

,,But that's impossible!" I screamed.

,,I have no brothers!" Huey yelled. ,,Uncle Donald...Donald lied to us."

,,He wasn't even my uncle." I said sadly.

We were both really confused.


After eating the pancakes, Mrs. Beakly had to go to work. Neither of us knew where she worked, but we didn't care much.

,,Don't bully, kids!" She said goodbye. ,,I'll be there in a couple of hours."

,,See you in a couple of hours." we yelled, and Mrs. Beakly left.

,,So what do we do?" I asked.

,,Come on, let me show you something!" She yelled excited Webby and Dewey and I ran after her.

,,Look at that!" She said and walked up to the wall.

,,What's with the wall?" Dewey asked. Suddenly Webby pushed that wall hard.

,,Webby! What the hell are you doing? You're gonna get hurt!" I was yelling. Suddenly the wall opened.

,,It's not a wall, there's a door!" said Webby. We looked around the room where Webby brought us in.

,,It's amazing!" Dewey said. ,,But how did you find out?"

,,I tripped and hit that wall with all my might." She said, ,,That's great, right?"

Suddenly something caught my eye. Some purple book. I went up to the bookcase and grabbed it. Suddenly there was a blue line and it led to the painting.

,,What did you do, May?" asked Dewey.

,,I have no idea. Let's get that painting!" I yelled. We went up to the painting that Mrs. Beakly was in and we took it. Behind it was some strange door and a reader.

,,Only Vanderquack can get in here!" said the reader. Webby went in the front.

,,But I'm Vanderquack!" She screamed.

,,Put your finger down. You have to make sure" the reader said and Webby put her finger down.

,,Ouch!" she screamed when a needle stuck in her finger. ,,What was that supposed to be?"

,,Webby! Are you okay?" I asked, and she was banging her head.

,,That's right," said the reader, and the next door, like a wall, opened.

,,Let's go in there." Dewey said, going first. We went right behind him. In the room we entered, there were three pictures and nothing more. On the first was Webby with Mrs. Beakly, on the second was Dewey in an egg and two boys very much like him, and on the third was me and two girls very much like me and some lady in a bow.

,,Does...does that mean we...we're not...siblings?" he asked Dewey in a trembling voice, looking at me.

,,I guess...I guess so." I said shocked.

,,Think positively," Webby comforted us. ,,Maybe if they lied about you, they lied about your whole family being dead! And looking at you and your brothers and sisters in the same way, I think you're both triplets! But you're lucky!"

Dewey and I looked at each other. We may not have been siblings, but at this point we both understood each other flawlessly, "if our siblings are here somewhere, we will find them.

June POV

,,Where did you get this?" I asked, pointing at a file of notes in Louie's hand.

,,I got it!" He bragged.

,,But from where?" I asked.

,,You're jealous."He yelled.

,,I'm not" I said, starting to jerk off with him. ,,Tell me where you got it from!"

,,What do you care?" Louie yelled, hiding the notes in his pocket.

,,Something!" I screamed. We jerked off, accidentally, we bumped into the carpet and moved it a little.

,,Look!" Louie yelled.

,,Do you really think I'm that stupid?" I was annoyed.

,,No, seriously, look!" Louie said, pointing out some paper. We got up and grabbed two papers that were under the carpet before.

,,It's not a paper," I said. ,,It's pictures!"

On the first one, there was Louie and two boys in eggs like him and some gentleman with a beret, and on the second one, me and some two girls like me and some lady with a bow. I couldn't believe it!

,,This...this...this" Louie started it. ,,Are...these my...brothers?"

,,The twins, I'd say" I said ,,Apparently I have them too, but that must mean that we...we..."

,,We're not brothers and sisters." Louie finished by not looking at me. Suddenly there were tears in his eyes.

,,Lou! Don't cry! We'll find them!" I said and hugged him.

,,Thank you." he answered, hugging back. ,,I'll always love you like a sister, no matter what."


A little longer separation. I hope you liked it because I tried. Write what you think about it! And I know that May POV is so similar to what was in the library, but somehow it worked. I'll see you later! 💚

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