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It was raining, of course it was raining.

This only seemed to make the young mans mood drop even further. "Mark." The older brother briefly glanced at his brother before sighing. Mark watched the droplets of rain roll down the window, wondering which one would make it to the bottom first. "We're almost there." Thomas added looking at his brother once more. The car passed over a bump causing the droplets of rain to fall faster down the window. Mark watched them before he sighed sitting back in his seat and looking through the front. "Is this necessary?" He finally spoke. Tom sighed solemnly before nodding.

"Mom believes so."

"Do you?"

Tom looked to his brother sympathetically before looking back to the road. Marks eyebrows narrowed and he stared down at his hands. "I can be aggressive yes, but I wouldn't hurt the baby." Thomas nodded slowly as he made the car slow down. "I believe you, but mom thinks this is for the best." The younger leaned back against the window and caught sight of a sign. "Caligo Forest?" His older brother hummed. "Yeah, mom said this place has a quiet and calming atmosphere that should help you. The name comes from the Latin word for mist because on the edge of the town is a forest surrounded by mist." 

Mark hummed, "spooky." Thomas laughed lightly as he turned into the small town. "Mom said she's been here a few times and the people are quite friendly." Mark nodded looking out of his window as they passed by a few small and colourful houses. "Mom let me pick the house out." Tom began sheepishly. "And I know your favourite colour is green so..." mark sat up in his seat as they stopped in front of a pale green house on the corner of the street. "Wow Tom...thank you." Thomas smiled putting a hand on his shoulder. "Anything for my little bro, now let's get your stuff inside." Mark nodded hopping out of the car and with the help of his brother brought the bags to the door.

"Oh, if you will do the honours." Thomas said pulling a pair of keys from his pocket. Mark took them with a small smile and gratefully unlocked the door. "Man I'm glad the door is covered otherwise we'd be soaked!" Mark rolled his eyes knowing his brother was calling him slow and walked into the house. He took a deep breath before furrowing his eyebrows. "It smells strongly of lavender in here." Mark commented rolling one of his suitcases over to a white wall. "It sure does, man I bet that'll help you sleep." Thomas added joining Mark inside.

Mark ran a hand through his jet black hair before his eyes settled on a small device with steam coming from it. Approaching the device he found it to be the source of the smell. Mark smiled breathing the scent in. Thomas observed from where he stood with a small smile. He really hoped this place would help Mark, he loved his brother and hated having to send him away. The brother looked down at his watch before walking over to Mark and patting him on the back. "Hey let's go check out the other rooms." Mark nodded following Thomas to a bedroom. "Wow, this is beautiful." Mark commented. The walls were painted black and had white dots across the roof to mimic stars. "Bed sure looks comfy!" Mark grabbed Thomas when he made an attempt to jump in the bed. 

"My bed, not yours." He chuckled running a hand in the silky blue covers. Mark turned out of the room and walked back into the living room. There was a white couch and loveseat sat on a dark blue rug in front of a large TV which sat next to a large bookcase. "Bet you'll fill that up within the next week." Thomas commented. Mark rolled his eyes before strolling into the connected kitchen. "I guess I better learn how to cook." Mark chuckled. Thomas looked at his brother with sad eyes before laughing weakly. "Yeah." Shaking his head, Thomas looked at his watch again. "Hey bro." Marks smile fell as he turned towards the inevitable. "Time to go?" Thomas nodded pulling his brother into a tight hug.

"Take care okay? Don't be afraid to text me for anything. If you need me I'll be over as soon as I can even though we're hundreds of miles apart now." Mark nodded into his brothers chest. "I understand, I love you Thomas." Thomas squeezed his brother tighter. "I love you too."

Mark watched as his brother got back in the car and waved him goodbye. He watched the car until he could no longer see it. Stepping back into the house Mark sighed. Moments ago he just felt like he was moving into a new house, and he was super excited to see new things. But that was with his brother there, but he was alone now. Marks golden brown eyes trailed to the device creating the wonderful lavender smell again. He settled on the rug in front of the glass table the device sat on and inhaled, allowing the scent to calm him.

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