Chapter 3

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Different? Was that a good or bad thing?

The man turned around and began walking and Marks first instinct was to follow. "My species as coexisted with humans for many many years. We don't really need to do anything with humans so we've just sort of been here. For many years as I'm told, we've lived in peace and humans even if they knew of our existence did not acknowledge us. According to my elders, there was a point in time where humans did communicate with us. We had some resources that they required and we were able to peacefully trade with them. However, we discovered that upon making contact with humans we are caused pain." Mark arched an eyebrow. "So you can't make contact with humans?"

The man shook his head. "Not humans or animals. As well as man made weapons. While they may cause harm to you, it would be instant death for us." Mark nodded cradling Ale in his arms. "I'll be sure not to touch you then." The man made some sort of noise and looked down to the ground. Mark noticed he seemed to rubbed his wrist after Mark had said that. "Uh continue?" The man hummed looking back up. "As we were unable to make physical contact, some humans became angry and would threaten us with touch if we didn't have what they wanted. So we were moved across the world for safety. Originally we all resided here in a kingdom of sorts. When they spread us across the world, the kingdom disappeared and became this forest."

Mark gave the man a sad look. "I'm sorry that happened. Are you alone here?" The man nodded before gesturing to Ale. "Besides Ale of course." Mark sighed looking down at the mist in his arms. "All if that happened long before I was born, so I've only known the forest. I don't mind it." Despite the mans words, Mark couldn't help but feel bad for him. Maybe that's why he didn't really understand humans.

"You mentioned a moment ago that I was how?"

The man sighed, a noise Mark had yet to hear from the man. "You are not the first to come into the forest. The people of the town have strayed from this area simply because they do not know what is in here, and humans usually fear that which  they do not know." Mark hummed, he could agree with that. "However, a while after the two had gained some popularity, someone did come in here. I at the time was still very young, a child you could say. This man was around my age now when I met him." 

"How old are you, can I ask that?"

"I'm twenty five."

Mark nodded slowly, "I'm 26, just in case you were wondering. Sorry for interrupting." The man simply waved him off before continuing. "I can not recall the mans actual name, but I do remember calling him Kroe."

"Crow? Like the bird?"

"Kroe, k-r-o-e, but yes it is pronounced that way."

Mark nodded once again apologizing for interrupting. "Kroe, was the first human I'd met. I wasn't sure how to react so I sort of ignored him at first. Of course, Ale was there, but he didn't like Kroe, so he usually kept his distance. Kroe also knew Latin as you call it, and he taught me basic English. The rest I've learned from people speaking in the town. As I was saying, Kroe was a mentor of sorts, I suspect he was aiming for a father figure but I never thought of him that way." 

"Do you know your parents?"

The man nodded, "I know of them I should say. Silk and Cidd they were called. Where they are now I am unaware of." Mark sadly nodded before speaking. "My dad died when I was young, so I know how it feels to lose a parent. I'm sorry for that happening to you as well." The man didn't say anything and instead just continued his story.

"Kroe has watched over me for a few years and had been aware of what I was. I assume he researched what an Intemerata was so he was aware of the fact that I could not be touched by him. But..." Mark eyes widened as the mans tone turned grim. "One day, while we were walking like we are now, he reached over and grabbed my wrist." Mark sucked in a gasp, Ale squirming when his grip tightened. "I requested to be released and he claimed it was for research. He held on for a good ten seconds and that's when the pain changed from a needles kind of feeling, to burning as if his hand was the sun, I tried to tell him that my wrist was steaming but he ignored me."

"After twenty seconds I had felt lightheaded and after thirty I had blacked out." Mark covered his mouth in shock. "I tell you this because you are different. Different for what reasons, I am not sure of. However, Ale seems to like you, and Ale has never been wrong about a person before so I will trust in him. Do not misplace that for trust in you, as you have not earned that yet." Mark nodded taking the information in. 

"I um...thank you for explaining that. I think I understand mostly everything you said. I might have missed a few points you made but I'm sure I'll understand eventually." The man nodded before he stopped walking. "I don't know if you wish for more information; I have no more of such." Mark arches an eyebrow not understanding what the man was trying to say. "You should leave, it's getting dark outside. Humans usually retreat inside their houses after a certain time correct?" Mark looked up and saw the sky was getting dark, "oh you're right. I uh-air handshake?"

The man just tilted his head causing Mark to chuckle. "Nevermind. You're right I'm gonna get going now, but it was nice to meet you." The man nodded, Ale squeezing his way out of Marks arms and wrapping around the man as Mark turned to leave the forest. The man watched him go for a bit before he turned and went deeper into the forest.

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