Chapter 1

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A small smile was set on Mark's face as the breeze blew through his hair. He was sat on the steps of his house just enjoying the fresh air. The air had a soft smell of water to it, but he had yet to see a lake or anything nearby that would give off that smell. It could've been from the recent rain, but who knows. Mark smiled and waved at a couple that walked past. He saw them every morning on their walk, and they would always wave to them. However today, the woman turned and approached him. Mark stood up with a hum. "Hey, you're Mark right?" The lady had a sweet voice with what he thought was an Italian accent. Mark nodded gently shaking her hand. "Word travels fast huh?" The woman giggled nodding her head. 

"It's a small place. I'm Marzia, and this is my husband Felix." The male who had just approached waved with a smile. "We saw you move in a couple days ago and haven't really seen you around much other than on our walk, so Marzia thought we'd say hello." Mark smiled gratefully, "well, thank you and it's nice to meet you two." Marzia smiled, "if you want, we could show you around?" Mark bit his tongue. He hadn't taken the time to look around the small town since he'd gotten here and these two were being very friendly to him. "Sure why not?" He answered with a smile.

Marzia jumped up and down happily as Felix wrapped his arm around her. "Well come on, let's move." Mark laughed as the couple turned and he followed after them. "This area really is just houses in fact, I'm pretty sure the whole town lives here to be honest." Felix chuckled. Mark nodded looking around at the different houses and found himself grateful for Tom's choice. "We live just a few houses down in the white house." Marzia announced gesturing behind them. "Feel free to stop by whenever you want to." Mark nodded noting that in his mind. "Ah, and here's where the town really starts." Felix announced waving his arm towards the bustling streets. "We've got several food places along this road and across from it is a clothing shop where me and Marzia get all our clothes from. There's another one a little further down along with a game shop." Mark looked around impressed at the small town.

"There's a few fast food places down there if you don't like what the diners and stuff sell." Felix joked getting a chuckled from Mark. "And wayyyyy down there is a farmers market of sorts where there's lots of homemade food, foreign food, some food you might not think is food." Marzia chuckled stiffly. Mark laughed feeling at ease with the small town. Felix had started to talk about something else but Mark's attention was draw to the light trail of mist weaving through the street. 

"Hey guys, what's that?" Marzia hummed looking down at the mist. "Oh it leads to the forest. It winds through the whole town starting at the end of the houses and goes all the way through the farmers market before leading into the forest which is covered in the mist." Mark looked in awe. The mist was slightly blue in colour with speckles of green sparkling through it. "It's really pretty." Mark commented. Felix hummed, "be that as it may, the forest is no joke." Mark looked up, confusion written on his face. 

"I mean, there's a trail you can take through the forest where the mist isn't so thick which is really pretty but once you hit the area where mist is practically all you can see it's best to turn around." Mark arched an eyebrow. "How come?" Marzia sighed, "well no one really know's what's in there. I mean, it's been before this town was here and we've never seen anyone go in it." Mark narrowed his eyes. "That doesn't mean it's dangerous." Felix shrugged, "true, but I'd rather not be the one to figure that out." Mark nodded, "understandable." He said before looking back at the mist. 

For some reason, he felt like it was calling for him. When he had looked back down he saw it wrap around his ankles and almost seem to follow. 'Great, now I'm thinking like a cheesy novel.' Mark silent chuckled but his attention stayed on the mist. "It wouldn't hurt to go look at it though right?" Felix turned to him. "I guess not. I don't blame you for being curious, you're new here." Felix chuckled. Mark huffed slightly but followed the two as they walked towards the market. 

It was really starting to bother him how the mist seemed to be following him. When he looked around he did see that it was woven throughout the town, but it didn't seem to be wrapped around anyone else's legs either. He huffed discreetly trying to get away from it but to no avail. With a glare he just ignored it looking around the market instead. 

He narrowed his eyes when the trail of mist from his legs actually moved in front of his eyes. Gawking he watched it make it's way over to standing over by a food stand. The mist wrapped around the other's legs in the same way it did to him and stayed there. Mark looked up to the person and tilted his head. From the head down they wore black. Black boots, black jeans, a black jacket with it's hood up and even black gloves.

'I get it's kind of chilly outside but is all that necessary?' Mark thought to himself. He couldn't tell if this was a boy or a girl since their face was covered but he saw the person move their head down and look at the mist. Seeming unbothered by it, Mark could've sworn he saw the person wave down to it. As if he wasn't confused enough the mist then moved again making it's way back to Mark and with it followed the person's eyes.

Now Mark didn't have the best sight so he shouldn't have been able to see this person's face clearly but he could very clearly make out the piercing blue at the stared back at him. Mark usually hated people staring at him, but this situation was both confusing and scaring him so he just awkwardly waved hoping that was appropriate for the situation.

He didn't receive a wave back though, which was annoying, and the person just turned their head away once again.

"Well that's rude." Mark muttered. "Mark! Ya coming?" Mark turned to see Felix and Marzia standing a while away from him. "Oh yeah!" Mark said turned away from the strange person and catching up to the other two. 

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