Chapter 2

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Tommy: How you all been here?

???: Since yesterday.

Joel: Yesterday.

???: Yep.

Joel: What y'all doing out this way?

???: Oh, just passing through. You three live nearby?

Tommy: We do. A few hours down the hill. Y'all should come back with us. Restock before you head out.

???: Appreciate. I'm Mel, by the way.

Tommy: Tommy. This my brother and the fella put back is his boy.

Joel: Joel.

As soon as Joel sad his name, everyone in the room got defensive and they noticed this.

Joel: Y'all act you've heard of us or something.

Abby: It's because they have.

Abby then pulled out her pistol and shoot Joel in the knee.

Y/n heard the gunshot right away and he ran right through the door.

Y/n  quickly pulled his knife out and lunged at Abby, but he's quickly grabbed from behind and held down and is hit in the stomach and then in the face, knocking him out and Tommy was next to go down as well as he was hit in the face with a pistol multiple time.

???: Nora, Manny, All clear?

Nora: Yeah.

Manny: They're both out.

Abby: Put him against the wall.

Joel: Adrain! Tommy!

Manny and another one of the members grabbed Joel and put him up against the wall.

Joel: Get off me!

Abby then looked at Joel and knelt down to him.

Abby: Joel Miller.

Joel: Who are you?

Abby: Guess.

Joel didn't say anything and looked around the room and back to Abby.

Joel: Why don't you say whatever speech you've got rehearsed and get this over with.

Abby then stood up and gave her gun to someone behind her and looked at Mel.

Abby: Tourniquet his leg. Do it!

Mel did what she was told and then Abby looked over at Y/n.

Abby: Tie his hands and bring him over.

Two guys then grabbed an unconscious Y/nand zip tied his hands behind his back and then dragged him over.

Joel: You sons of bitches! Leave my boy out of this!

Abby: He's just as involved in this. You stupid old man. You don't get to rush this.

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