Chapter 2-Headaches and School

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Mary POV

My alarm clock rings loudly, disrupting my sleep. It says 6:30. The school doesn't start until 8:40, so I'll be able to shower and grab a coffee from Cafe Nerd, which is basically like Starbucks, except it's all things geeky and nerdy. Cafe Nerd is where I work to have extra money for myself. I work there from 5:15 pm to 8:15 pm from Monday through Friday, and then I work on Saturday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, with Sunday as my day off. I lay my clothes on the bed, a long black and white striped sleeve with dark blue jeans. I jump in the shower and wash my hair. It only took me at least 20 minutes since I had long hair. I dry myself with my towel, wash my clothes, and dry my hair. I fix my hair in a cute ponytail and put on a Fuschia-colored lipstick. As I head out, I check on Mom to see if she needs me. She is still asleep. Remnants of the food I made for her last night were on her nightstand. I take the paper plate and throw it away. Afterward, I grab my helmet and head outside. My simple wish was for a car. Instead, I received a moped to drive to school.

Not that I need a vehicle, but that is why I'm currently working

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Not that I need a vehicle, but that is why I'm currently working. I had to pay for a parking spot at the school in the back lot, where a security officer guards the teachers' park and the lot. I strap my helmet on, turn the ignition key, and drive to the cafe. My head began to race with different ideas. I find that I think more as I am driving alone. My head felt like it was about to explode. I can see that the cafe is not far, so I pick up speed. As I was driving, I could hear static in my head. I feel very lightheaded. Then I heard a voice say, 

"If you weren't so damn good-hearted, you could leave and be something instead of taking care of us. I blame myself and your mother."

I gasp, which causes me to halt abruptly. I arrived at the cafe. I quickly take off my helmet and place it in the storage container. I walk into the cafe and walk towards the counter. My coworker, Nolie, comes over to and says, 

"So, what will it be? A mocha frappe with a Birds of Prey Breakfast Sandwich?" 

I only nod, and she playfully hits the countertop, which causes me to jump slightly. My head is ringing, and my vision is somewhat blurry. I feel jumpy, so I try to calm myself. Nolie brings me the sandwich and a mocha frappe with extra whipped cream. I look for an empty booth and sit down. As I bite into the sandwich, my phone goes off. A text came in. It was from my Dad. It read: 

"If you weren't so damn good-hearted, you could leave and be something instead of taking care of us. I blame myself and your mother. I'll be gone today. Clean the house and make sure your mother doesn't drink the liquor cabinet."

Dad always tells me that. It's like that phrase is his mantra. He blames himself and Mom for what happens at home. What's weird is that I heard him say that in my head. Maybe it's a recurring thing since he always says that. My headache is gone, and I'm feeling fine. I then start to eat my sandwich and drink my frappe.

An Hour Later
I arrive at my school and wait in the library. I pulled out my laptop and started working on a paper due next week for my AP English Lit class over the book Brave New World. The other students complained that the book was dumb and complicated, but I enjoyed it. It was excellent reading. I finished writing my first page when the bell rang. I go to my locker and grab my books for my first classes. My schedule went like this: 

1st Period: AP Biology (9:00 am-10:00 am)

2nd Period: AP Algebra (10:05am-11:05am)

3rd Period: AP English Literature (11:10 am-12:10 pm)

Lunch: (12:20 pm-1:20 pm)

4th Period: AP French (1:25 pm-2:25 pm)

5th Period: Gym Class (2:30 pm-3:09 pm)

6th Period: AP World History (3:15-4:00 pm)

I had my semi-difficult classes in the morning. I know. Most schools start at 8:00 am, but not in Sugarcomb, Massachusetts. I headed to my biology class and listened to what my teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth Bennet, had to say. She and I have an excellent cher-pupil relationship. What my mother lacked in nurturing skills, she made up for it. We even joked about her name since she was named after my favorite Jane Austen heroine from the book Pride and Prejudice. As I saw my teacher start to write the assignment for today, I could hear the static noise again faintly in my head. It was becoming louder and louder. My head felt like it was going to explode. Finally, it wasn't until my teacher, Mrs. Bennet, started speaking that the noise stopped. I must document these incidents in case anything were to happen. 

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