Chapter 13-New Threat

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Mary POV

My alarm clock wakes me up. I groan and shut the watch off. I rub my eyes and get ready for work. Today is Saturday, and I have to go and get ready for work. I jump in the shower and proceed to get ready. After the shower, I dry my hair and place it in a nice bun. I slip into my jeans and Cafe Nerd uniform shirt. After brushing my teeth, I put my makeup on, wearing a lovely pink shade for lipstick. I grab my backpack and purse and close my bedroom door. Dad isn't awake, and neither is Mom. I don't bother with them, so I head to the garage. As I get ready to open the garage door, the front door opens to reveal my Dad. He is barely coming home from a night out. I gasp because he looks like hell. 

"What are you looking at?" Dad asks me. 

"Nothing, Dad. I-I-I'm just heading to work already. I'll see you later."

Dad grabs my arm and turns me around to face him. I gasp softly. He must be drunk. Otherwise, he wouldn't act this way. Dad grabs my face with his fingers and says, 

"Why did you stop calling me 'Daddy'?" 

My mind froze. What?

"I-I-I stopped because I grew up. I was eleven when I stopped saying 'Daddy.' Also, you told me that it sounded stupid."

Dad was beginning to stumble, and he eventually let go of my face. Dad then pushed me out of the way and headed to the bedroom. I almost broke down. I quickly ran into the garage and started my bike, and drove off. My heart was racing, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt like the world was crumbling around me. I arrive at a stoplight, and I take my helmet off. I can catch my breath and relax for a while. The light turns green, and I quickly place my helmet on and drive away. I start thinking of Charlie and how he is willing to show me how to use my powers. The one thing I can't place my finger on is who. I arrive at work, clock in, and head to my counter. I remember the incident out of my mind; the man I saw that had red eyes and was staring at me in the snow looked tall and built. I can't think of this now. I'll draw the man later in my sketch pad. 

Three Hours Later

I head to the corner of the cafe, take my sketch pad and earbuds to start drawing the man I saw. I begin to sketch the snow falling, and how in the distance, I could see the man watching me and how his shadow reflected by the lampost I saw in my Inscape. After drawing the man, I decided to sketch the red eyes I saw as I left my Inscape. The man's eyes were piercing, and the color was red. Blood red. Like he was possessed. I tried my hardest not to shake from the fear that I had. His voice was so threatening when he was speaking to me. I then place my sketch pad in my work locker and head back to making coffee for caffeine addicts. 

Later That Day

I decided to close up shop today. The manager gave me the keys, and I lock up the store. As I head to my bike, something tells me to look up. I look to see someone standing across the street. I couldn't see who it was since it was dark and the street lights hadn't turned on yet. I ignore the person and get into my bike. As I start the ignition, I hear a voice in my head saying, 

"You can't run from me. You and I aren't different, Mary. We are synched, you and I. We are one."

I immediately start the bike and haul my ass back to my house. As I approach my home, I almost crash my bike when I can't believe what I see. An ambulance and several police cars. I drop my bike on the ground and run over. Police officers suddenly seized me as I tried to cross the police tape. 

"Move out of my fucking way! That's my house! Let me in!" I yell as police officers try to hold me back. 

A woman approaches me, identifying herself as Detective Wanda Garland. She begins to tell me that an argument had ensued between my mother and father, which then I hear, 

"Your mother is dead, and your father is responsible for her death. He shot her in cold blood and tried to commit suicide, but he failed in his death. We were able to take him to the hospital." 

My body goes limp, and I fall on my knees. Tears are slowly running down my face, and I begin to yell loudly. Detective Garland tries to hold me, but I push her away. I can't believe it. Mom is dead, and Dad killed her. Why? Why would he do this?

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