Chapter 7-Dream Whisperer

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Mary POV

I awakened to the sound of my alarm and the fact that I fell on the floor. My body was aching, and I groaned in pain. I get up and head to the bathroom. Why? I had to puke. The experience was very mind-boggling, and the sensation I had was intense and soothing. Who was that man? Did I travel to another dimension? Is he real or a fantasy concocted by my imagination to escape my dreadful and shitty reality? My psychological analysis had to be put on hold for a while so I could get ready for school. I had an appointment with my school advisor for my college future. I go shower, brush my teeth, dry and style my hair, and get dressed quickly. I gather my backpack and lunch bag and head to the garage to start my motorbike. I drive from the garage and head to the Cafe for my usual. My mind was racing with crazy notions and theories. Then, it hit me: I'm having a nervous breakdown. I finally arrived at the Cafe when I saw something that made my anxiety have a field day: Jason Walker's pickup truck. It was outside of the Cafe. I debated whether I should go in, but my decision was made quickly when I saw Jason walking out of the cafe, laughing with his friends. I breathe a sigh of relief and head inside rapidly. I order my usual coffee and chocolate chip brownie and sit at one of the counters. I take out my book and read while sipping my coffee. I try to take my mind off my dream when I hear the same static in my head, and the lights buzz as they did yesterday. I shake my head and go back to my reading. My thoughts are interrupted by Nolie, my coworker. 

"You look like hell. Did you sleep last night?" 

I couldn't tell her what had occurred, so I said, 

"Yes, but I can't dream like I used to. I may need medication."

"You don't. Here, come with me." Nolie says. 

I walk in the back of the store with her, and she begins digging through her locker for something. 

"Ah-ha! Here it is." Nolie exclaims. 

Nolie hands me a dream catcher with LED lights on it. I chuckled softly, and I said to her, 

"Nolie, I appreciate this, but will it help? I thought that these were fake?"

Nolie laughs at me and says, 

"No, they are not fake. Just hang this by your bed, and tonight, you'll be able to sleep peacefully."

I take the dream catcher and place it in my bag. I love the gift, but for some reason, I can't understand why I had that dream. I look at my watch and see that I have to leave. I chug my drink and head to my motorbike. I speed to the school to get to my parking spot. As I fumble with the keys, I can hear the static again. This time, the sound is loud. I feel my head is going to explode.

"I said I would find you, and now, I have. Come with me, and we'll elope together. Come with me and be mine."

The sound and voice began to fade away, but as it began to disappear, I felt blood coming from my nose. What the hell is this, Stranger Things? The bleeding didn't last long, thank God. I grabbed my backpack and headed to my first-period class. Before class started, I decided to Google the name 'Charles T. Manx,' but nothing came up. I groaned in disappointment. I must discover what is happening to me and who this man is. I hope I'll be ready for him when I dream of Charles Manx again.

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