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it had been a whole month. a whole month since Jeno had received the last letter. at first, jeno kept calm, thinking that maybe the person had been busy. then the letter had not come the next week, nor the week after that, and then week after that one.

"renjun, what if they don't like me anymore?" jeno whined.

renjun sat on the same old stool in the art room, again paying no mind to jeno. he focused on his painting, as he had a new found inspiration the last few days.

"you won't die, jeno. You don't even know them," renjun sighed.

"yea, but I still have that weird gut feeling," the boy groaned.

jeno smacked his forehead against the table in the middle of the art room, a defeated sigh leaving his lips.

"well, exams are coming up next week. they're probably studying."

it was partially true. renjun has been swamped by all his exams and studying, but he also couldn't bring himself to write a letter to jeno. it felt out of place, and renjun couldn't ignore the small pain in his chest whenever he would re-read the letters he wrote to his crush and friend.

"talkin about exams," jeno stood up, "could you help me study?"

renjun took his eyes off his painting for the first time in a while and gave jeno a glare.

"jeno, I'm taking all ap classes, but you think I somehow have time to tutor you right now?"

jeno gave him a little pout and he shuffled behind renjun, his hands snaking to the boy's shoulder to give him a small massage.

"c'mon, junnie..."

renjun let out a laugh of disbelief and began to ignore the boy.

the rest of renjun's lunch break consisted of Jeno whining and pleading the poor boy. 



i am: crying 😌

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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