Chap 25 Eclipse

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"WHAT? unbelievable! Taehyung can't call you in mind links. He can only mind link you if you two done the ritual or if he is- *gasp Oh my! "

Jin stopped talking and covered his mouth in shock. He just realized something

"What is it hyung?"

"Oh my! Oh my!"


Elder Sellia was now dressing Taehyung up. He let the omega wore a red robe. She lay down Taehyung and tied him in a bed of flowers. Different flowers are surrounding the omega. His hands and feet are still chained.

This time the chains on his ankles was  electric powered metal. Like his collar, this chains can give him electric shock when Kai pleased to do so. Kai already removed the collar and replace it with this chain

"Hey little fellow, don't cry. Stop crying before Kai see you crying. Now I need to go for a bit"

They put Taehyung outside. The bed of flowers was placed in the middle of the wide field in front of the building. He is on a mini-stage now allowing everybody to watch the ritual that will happened tonight

It was dark outside now. The open ground was filled with many rogues, waiting for the ceremony to start. A lot of bonfire are scattered to light the place. The old woman went near to the crying and scared omega and lit many candles surrounding Taehyung.

'Jungkook! save me! I am scared' Taehyung called his mate like wanting to be heard by Jungkook. But he knows that even how hard he try to call the older, he can't because they still not marked each other

Sellia just looked and pity the omega who is crying silently closing his eyes in fear. She leave the omega alone for now with so much rogue watching him lay down on his bed

'JUNGKOOK! Please! I hope you can hear me! just please! please help me'

He cried on his head. Even though his mate can't hear him he is hoping and still hoping that Jungkook can. He told the Alpha where he is. Where Kai brought him. He told Jungkook what is happening now. He told his mate how scared he is right now.

Taehyung's thought was stopped when he heard applause from the rogues in the open field. He opened his eyes and saw that the Alpha of Rogues has came. Facing his subjects, being proud that he got the omega

The eclipse is starting to happen

"Kai? step beside I am going to do the ritual now"

"Ops sorry Elder Sellia, go ahead *smirk"

He bend down as kissed the omega's forehead as he step beside

The old woman spoke dialects that no one understood. Taehyung was now trying to get out from the chain, he feels hot all over his body. Wind blows strong as the fire of the cadles dance from it. He felt like something is happening to his body. He is trying his best to get out from the chain and the bed but failed. He looks like a crazy man moving around.

"Kai? only one thing is needed to complete the ritual"

"What is it Sellia?"

Taehyung was cut off from his thought. All his hopes was gone when the Old Lady spoke

"Now, mate him"


Taehyung can't believe what he heard. The old lady judt asked Kai to mate him, to fuck him!

"N-NO!!!!!! NOO!!!"
He shouted with all his heart

"Well, that is what I am waiting Sellia *laugh"

He went into the bed. Every rogues on the open field was looking at their Alpha step on the bed. Sitting between the omega's legs

"Hello baby, don't be scared daddy will give you pleasure *wink"


"Jeon is not here. I guessed he gave up *laughh"

Kai spread the omega's legs. He did not take the robe from Taehyung. He just open it slightly. He now saw the younger's manhood

"Beautiful baby, beautiful"

"Hurry Kai! the eclipse is near"
The old woman said

"well baby? ready?"

He take out his cock and pointed it at Taehyung's hole

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