Chapter Four

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       "I had a really---"

        "Tonight was boring," he laughs. "Go ahead, say it."

       "No, it was fine! The party was boring, but we were still together. I had a very nice time tonight."

        "That's good. I'm glad. And now, I should probably get going..."

        "Don't you want to come inside? For a bit?"

        "No, I mean, I have to work at the shop tomorrow, so I should probably...try to get some sleep..."

        "Yeah, I hear you. Food bank duty, first think in the morning."

        "Then I'm really going to leave." He hugs me, then kisses my cheek. "Goodnight, Hope."

         I wave goodbye, but I could only seem to whisper "goodbye."

        With a sigh, I turn on my heels and unlock the door. All the lights in the house were off. I go straight up to my room.

        Molly was on my loft, waiting for me.

        "Ugh, why are you here?" I was only halfway joking.

        "Ouch, I'm your best friend. That one hurt. But I'll let it slide."

        "Good, because I wasn't about to apologize."

        She just shrugs, smile never faltering. If anything, it crept to an even bigger size.....

        "So, how was your date?"

        I roll my eyes, "Wasn't a date..."

        She ignores me, pushing the subject. "Did he kiss you?"

        "He walked me to the door and gave me a little kiss on the cheek, before he left." No. Big. Deal.

         "Ha! See? A date!"

        "On the cheek, Moll. Nothing he hasn't done before!"

        "Why are you fighting this?"

        "Why are you! I can remember a time when you'd get mad if I even mentioned you're brother's good looks. You know it, and everyone else knows it. But I don't have a crush on him. Why are you trying to make me date him so bad?!"

        "Because. He's my brother, and you're my best friend. I think, I was just afraid of loosing one of you, of somebody getting hurt. But you're perfect for each other! He likes you, Hope! And, I think, you might just like him, too." She turns and leaves, just like that. I flop back on my bed, covering my face, and sighing extremely loud. I felt hopeless just now...

        "Awe, is the princess in distress?"

        "Ugh, not now! Please..."

        "Look, I know this won't mean much, coming from me, but any guy would be lucky to have you. But no matter who he is-friend or not-don't do something you're not into."

         Wow..."You really think so?"

         "Heck yeah. You're perfect, princess."

        And there's the jerk back...Perfect. I hate that word for a person. Nobody could ever be perfect, and claiming to be makes you fake. And that's what he thinks of me...?

        "Something I don't want to do, huh? You mean like sharing a room-my room-with punk jerks?"

        Ugh, what was I even doing? Stooping to his level...

        From across the room,he smirks at me. I groan, swinging my legs onto my cushion and rolling over so my stomach was flat against the window.

        "Goodnight. Princess."

        That's the last thing I heard before falling asleep, but for some reason, I remember smiling...

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