Chapter Eleven

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        The town was beautiful at night. Here in Michigan, we take decorating to the max. Everything is pretty in its own way all year long, no matter what season it is. But come Holidays, decorations come out like buttons of jeans on Thanksgiving. I'd seen the decorations already, been through town hundreds of times since winter came around. but never at night. And if you haven't seen Christmas lit up towns at night when it's pitch dark out, then you've never seen the most beautiful sight I know.

         During the day, you can only see that there are lights. Strings with small gold diamond shapes dangling from them, or fake blue icicles. Oversized ribbons, bows, and candy canes tied to telephone poles, wreaths on doors, and bells on knobs and dangling in doorways. Let's not forget mistletoe. Here's hoping you never get caught under one of those...It's stupid, in my opinion, personally. Using that as an excuse to get someone to kiss you? They aren't worth it, if they wouldn't kiss you on their own. And if you're dating, that's not romantic. You can kiss each other anytime. You know, because you're dating...? I don't know, I just find it annoying...

        And, okay, no. I haven't had my first kiss yet. But I want it to be special. I want it to be with someone I know I'll be with, not just to do it. And no, it's not something I'm planning on saving forever, or that I fear losing. I just don't want to waste it, you know? I mean, it's not the kiss that's special, it's who I'm giving it to. I want him to be special. And I've never actually been on a real date before, either...I've been asked out before several times. But being asked out by a guy I don't know or barely do, just because I'm pretty, semi-popular, or because I know people is not an invitation I'm jumping to accept. And Max...Well, we all know how disastrous that went...

        "Sorry about your date."

        We walked toward town silently. I have no idea what was going through Molly's head, you know, because I'm not a mind reader, and I was too busy with my own thoughts. All of my problems seemed to just slip away, the beauty of the world the only thing conceivable. It was a chilly night, but warm compared to the other days this winter has so far seen. It wasn't snowing, but it still swirled about, covering everything. I loved the Winter Wonderland feel of the place. Frozen ponds, white-covered trees, bushes and building tops. The sky was a black canvas painted with sparkly street lights and glowing decorations. Every store and house seen for miles were aglow. But not tackily. Everybody decorates in this town, and we all seem to naturally love Christmas, and other Holidays. Everyone always decorates, but nobody ever overdoes it.

        Molly and I were currently standing in line at the coffee shop. We were waiting to order, and neither of us had said a word until then. I just shrugged. Before she could say anything else, because you know she wouldn't let this go, we were called up to order. We both got hot chocolates, and Molly ordered a pizza. We moved out of the order line and stood in the pick up line. And she continued the discussion.

        "They're just stupid, you know that? Don't beat yourself up over them, okay? Just forget about it, and focus on tomorrow. We'll have fun decorating and baking with mom tomorrow, and have fun at the party. Us and my brother. It'll be fun!"

        I'm not so sure...

        "When are your parents getting in?"

        "They said real late, and that they'd see us in the morning. They expect we'll be asleep by then."

        "Probably will be. I'm pretty tired." I was . I just don't know if I'll actually be able to sleep...

        "I don't see why not! You've had a tiring, pretty hectic day."

        "Tomorrow won't be much different. Work all day, party all night."

       "You know that's not what I meant. But while we're on the subject, you're mother's right. You work yourself too hard. Especially during Christmas. I know it's "a busy time of year" and all, but that doesn't mean it has to be you who does it all. And just so you know, it's okay to take a break sometimes. You can't fix everything."

        "Everyone, you mean. I wasn't trying to fix him! I don't know if he was even broken to begin with."

        "Oh, he was beyond help. You've wasted your time with him. Get over it, before it breaks you."

        "I didn't waste my time. I didn't do anything. I wasn't trying to change him. In fact, I think he's changed me. Between the both of them, I believe I'm seeing things a lot clearer now."

        She sits her cup down on the table and leans forward, wearing an all too serious look on her pretty face. "Look, I not going to tell you what to do. Nobody can do that. I'm telling you that you're wrong, or what is right. I'm just telling you how it is. That boy-you've said it yourself-he's nothing but trouble. And I see that now. We all do. Your first impression was right about him. And Max, he really likes you. I'm not trying to make your mind up for you, or make you do something you don't want to do. And your dates with him, they've all been crap so far, haven't they? But giving him that second chance tells me he's worth it to you. Date him, don't date him. Just don't shut him out. You're my best friend. He's my brother. I want you both happy. And you both were once. Happy, being together. That's all that I want for my people."

        Don't ask, don't ask, don't ask...

        "And what if I wanted something nobody else approved of? Something that made me happy, but you thought was, perhaps, not so good for me...?

        "Go for what makes you happy. People might not understand, but if they don't support you nonetheless, then they aren't worth keeping around."

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