Chapter 1: Old wounds

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"I proudly present to u Produce 48's girl group
Applause and cheers were heard as Lee Seung Gi announced the winners of the survival show Produce 48.
"They finally debuted huh, can't wait to see their performances." Dokyeom said.
"Remember that we're still their Sunbae Dokyeom ah. Don't do anything stupid alright." The leader S.coups said while the other members laughed at him.
"Yah I'm not that dumb Hyung."
While the others were talking to each other, u were deep in thoughts.
"The next to debut is Kim Minju from Urban Works."
When u heard that Minju was going to debut too, memories of her started coming back to u once more.
U didn't understand why she even participated in the survival show in the first place.
But it didn't matter anyway....
Since she was already out of your life forever.
"I'm going back to my room first, just come in if u need anything." U told the other members as u went into your room while the others looked at u.
"He's still not over that matter isn't he?" Joshua said while rubbing his nape worriedly.
"He did went through a tough time with that girl before so seeing that she's actually going to be colleagues with us has got to worry him." Wonwoo said.
"Y/N has to move on eventually. What happens if we have to interact with them in the future? He can't just avoid interacting with them can he." Jeonghan added.
"We'll just have to give him more time to move on then. Right now all we can do is just give him some support." Said Woozi.
U didn't want to admit it but deep down in your heart, u still love Minju but every time the scene of her hurting u so badly came to your mind sadness and anger would just take over you.
The day u left her life, u decided to forget everything about her but out of all time and place, she just had to appear in front of u once again triggering your feelings again.
"I just don't understand why did u even say all of those in the first place Minju...." U mumbled to yourself while holding on to what was your last memento of Minju.
A picture of her last hangout with u before she changed.
"I really don't want to see u again but if the time comes I just hope that u'll pretend that u don't know me at all..."

"U have to move on Y/N."
U snapped out of your thoughts as u saw Hoshi and Dino standing at your door.
"Yah Hyung, why did u guys come in without knocking?" U asked frustratingly.
"You're the one who said to just come in if we needed anything." Dino retorted making u quiet.
"Right... Mianhae."
The two older members then went to sit beside u as they patted your shoulders.
Normally they wouldn't interfere with the personal business of others but if it was their own members whom they treated like their second family, they would do everything to help.
"Look Y/N we don't know what u and that girl went through before but judging by how u told us before when we first debuted she must have hurt u deeply didn't she?" Hoshi asked u as u nodded.
"S- sigh she was the one person who I loved the most yet she just treated me like some sort of puppet to manipulate."
"She was the sweetest and most innocent girl yet she just changed overnight..."
It wasn't something that the two main dancers of your group had experienced before but they figured that it would suck if someone that u loved actually betrayed u.
"We have no experience when it comes to love but what we can say is to just accept it and maybe ask her about it when u have the chance tomorrow alright?" Dino said.
"W-wait tomorrow? What do u mean by that Hyung?" U asked panicked.
"Calm down Y/N. We've also just received the news from Pd-Nim. Turns out we'll be performing at a special stage in Mnet Countdown when they make their debut tomorrow." Hoshi said.
Yup, life was pretty messed up for u.
"N-no.... I can't see her... not now."
"Yah Y/N! Calm down, we might not even see them tomorrow at all. Even if we do just pretend that u don't know her at all alright?" Dino told u while holding u in place.
Well now that u couldn't do anything about it, u had no choice to agree to it.
"A-alright I already have no choice do i?"
"Nope cmon just relax what's the worst that could happen right?" Hoshi said while u sighed.
"Alright fine I'll go."
"That's the spirit, now just rest and prepare for tomorrow." Dino said while u nodded hesitatingly.
"I can't see u yet but why is life so harsh to me..."
While u were busy thinking about life meanwhile a certain girl was all by herself while her members were busy celebrating their debut.
Holding a Polaroid of her last picture with a boy that she was very close with in the past while all by herself.
"Y/N.... I'm so sorry.."
Tears began to fall off her face as she held the Polaroid close to her body.
"Minju? Are u alright?"
The girl quickly wiped her tears away as she pretended she was fine.
"O-of course I'm fine Eunbi unnie, why wouldn't I be?"
But her leader didn't think so as she went towards the girl.
"Are u still thinking about that boy?"
Seeing that she couldn't hide anything from her leader, she started bursting into tears while hugging the older girl.
"I-I just wanted to apologize to him~"
"Alright there there calm down."
After a while, Minju stopped crying while Eunbi stayed by her side.
"Do u need to take a rest? I can tell Pd-Nim u won't be able to perform tomorrow."
She shaked her head.
She wouldn't allow her own personal feelings to be a burden towards her members.
"N-no it's fine. There's no need to do that."
"What will u do if u see him again?"
"W-What do u mean Unnie?"
Minju finally figured it out after thinking about it.
"U-u don't mean.."
Eunbi nodded while Minju almost cried again.
"I'll see him again...."
"I've just received the news that Seventeen Sunbaenim will be performing before us tomorrow. Are u ready to face him?"
The question from her leader made her hesitant as she thought about all the horrible things she said to u.
"I- I don't know Unnie..."
Eunbi nodded as she stood up.
"Whatever the case just know that u have me and the rest of the girls supporting u Minju ah."
The bunny leader said before leaving Minju to think on her own.
"Y/N... I really want to see u again but I don't know if I'm ready or not..."
"Hey Y/N meet your new friend Kim Minju." Your mum introduced as u smiled at the girl who was hiding behind her mum.
"Hey Minju I'm Y/N wanna be friends?" U asked while raising your hand.
The shy girl instead held onto her mum tighter.
"Mummy I'm scared!"
U were confused as to why Minju was scared of u.
"Now Minju there's no need to be afraid. Y/N's a nice boy."
The shy girl took a peek at u as u smiled back at her.
"Hey no need to be shy with me Minju, let's be friends."
The girl slowly came to u as she started shaking hands with u while u smiled at her.
"From now on we're friends Minju."
The uncertainty on her look slowly faded as she started smiling back at u.
"Nng, friends!"
Flashback over
"I promise to make things right again Y/N. I love u so much..."
The next day
"M-maybe I shouldn't be here guys." U said while the other members looked at u.
"U have to face her sooner or later Y/N why not do it now?" Minghao said.
"He's right besides she might even forget u already owh! What was that for?" Jun complained.
"You're not helping Jun. Anyways Y/N just do it, there's a chance we won't be seeing them anyways." Joshua said while dressing up.
U suddenly felt someone holding u in place as u turned and saw S.coups.
"Relax Y/N, just focus on the performance later  alright? If it comes to the point where u see her later, just try to talk things out alright?"
"U can do it Y/N Hwaiting!" Your members cheered making u feel better.
"Thanks Hyungs really appreciate u guys."
"U nervous Minju?" Hyewon asked the girl as she nodded.
"Just take a deep breath and relax alright? Whatever happens later u have us to count on." Sakura said while the other girls nodded.
But how could she relax at this point?
The one person that loved her for who she was and treated her like she was his everything.
Whenever she threw a tantrum he would just buy her gifts to make her happy.
Whenever she was sad, he would try to cheer her up.
Yet that one person was gone from her life as soon as she treated him like trash.
"Our next performers for today. Performing today in celebration of a new debut girl group today let's welcome Seventeen!" The Mc said while the audience cheered.
This snapped Minju out of her thoughts as she faced the screen.
Her members looked at her while she was scanning the stage for u until her eyes finally landed on u.
"Y/N.... u've grown so much. I missed u so much.."
The lights dimmed as u and your members got into your formation for your song "Don't wanna cry."
As the song began, she waited for your line as she saw u dance elegantly on the stage with much emotions.
Finally it was your turn as she anticipated your voice that she missed a lot.
Leaving me, who cherished only you
Where did you go
Did you go far away
Because you didn't like me any more
Those lines sounded like he was still hurt from her actions as her tears started falling once more.
"Y/N... I'm sorry~"
Her members immediately went to comfort her as her tears started falling one by one.
It hurt... a lot for her but it must have felt worse for u she thought.
After your group's performance, you and your members went to the waiting room to take a rest.
Meanwhile the girls were preparing for their debut stage.
"U alright Minju Unnie?" Wonyoung asked innocently making the older girl smile.
"I-I'm fine now no need to worry about me."
"Lets continue talking about this later for now let's focus alright?" Eunbi said while the other members nodded.
"This girl group has been a hot topic among everyone recently. Making their debut today please welcome Iz*one!" The Mc said while the audience cheered.
Your members looked at their performance as they performed La Vie En Rose for the first time on stage.
U too saw their performance and found it impressive.
"U're really here Minju... u've changed... a lot."
Your members noticed u looking down in sadness but decided to leave u alone to let u calm down.
After the performance, the girls immediately were in front of your waiting room while holding their album.
"Cmon Minju just do it." Yena said while pushing her to the door.
"I won't do it unnie don't force me."
"What's that commotion outside?"
The girls froze as they heard footsteps coming nearer to them.
The door opened as Dokyeom jumped in surprise.
"I-is something wrong?" He asked.
"Annyeonghaseyo Sunbaenim, we're Iz*one." The girls greeted.
The guys however gasped as u widened your eyes at the sight of the girl group.
"O-oh Annyeonghaseyo so what have u girls come for?" S.coups asked before being handed their album.
"We're here to give u our album Sunbaenim. We're huge fans of all of u." Yujin said.
The atmosphere soon became awkward between the two groups since they knew what was going on between two of their members.
"Hey why so quiet since we're here let's be friends!" Seungkwan as usual tried to initiate a friendly conversation while trying to light up the atmosphere.
"Y-yah let's not be so formal with each other right?" Nako added as both groups smiled at each other however....
"Not.a.chance!" U said loudly catching the attention of everyone.
"Y/N!" Your members signalled u to stop.
U looked at Minju who looked back at u.
There she was, the girl u once loved a lot but took u for granted.
"Y/N what do u think u're doing right now stop it. This isn't what we told u to do when we asked u to talk things out." S.coups whispered to u.
"U guys can play friends all u want. There's not a chance where I'll act in this charade with u guys.!" U said as u walked out of the room.
U suddenly felt a grab on your hand as u turned back.
Everyone was now staring at u both as u glared at Minju.
"" U warned but only for Minju to hug u instead as both groups gasped.
"Please... let's talk.... I missed u so much.."

Alright first chapter out. I think it's not good enough tbh let me know what u guys think about it alright?

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