Episode 37 - What Makes Her Hair Red

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Chelsea had put a small log on the fire, it started to get cold, so she tried to warm up the area; she was still in her little black dress. Rin and Jaken were sleeping against Ah-Un, who was also asleep.

Sesshomaru watched her walk around, checking on everyone, letting out an occasional yawn. "You should get some rest." He said smoothly.

Chelsea looked at him, and smiled, "I will." She sounded tired, "I just want to make sure everyone else is ok." She then sat down by a tree and pulled her camera out of her bag.

He looked at her funny. "I thought you were going to go to sleep."

She looked at her, "Oh, yeah." Nodding she looked back at her camera, "I'm just making room on the microchips I have." She took a chip out and replaced it, "I have a few, but some a running out of room and I forgot to move stuff around." She explained, "That' the one thing I didn't bring, just because it didn't seem practical, my laptop."

Sesshomaru just stared at her. The clothing you are wearing is practical? "I see." Was all he said, then started to relax, but there was a point of curiosity. When it came to that device, she was always holding out. "What happens to the pictures you take?" He decided to ask.

She looked over at Sesshomaru, as she looked at him from reviewing her pictures, "Huh?" He was looking at her curiously.

"You said that device takes pictures," He motioned to her camera.

"Oh," She looked at the camera confused, "Well, nothing really." She moved the camera around as she shrugged.

"So, they just sit on that device?" He asked, "What happens to the old ones?"

"Oh!" She exclaimed, "Here, let me show you." She got up, and went to him, "It's a bit easier to show you." Sitting pretty close to him; turning on the screen she pushed more buttons. "They get stored on here," She explained, holding out the camera; she pushed an arrow and the screen flashed different pictures. Then she opened a small door on the camera. "Then they go on to that chip." She turned so they could see the screen again. "This is how we can see them."

Sesshomaru leaned forward to get a closer look, at the tiny screen. As he did Chelsea's smell filled his nose, it was sweet, but there was also something else about it. Of course, it wasn't human; he hand no idea what it was, it was completely foreign to him. The energy she gave off pulled him in, but then repulsed him at the same time.

"There are a lot of pictures," She explained, looking at him he was leaning really close, it made her heart jump. Quickly she looked back at the camera, flipping through the images.

There were a lot, he didn't realize how many pictures she took of them, and there were many of him. There were pictures of them in fields, on hills, standing in front of sunsets. There were many of Rin; she was playing with flowers, jumping in the rivers they went by, also pictures of Rin holding out flowers to the camera. She even had some pictures of Jaken; they looked ridiculous though, he was tripping over nothing in some of them, or him making faces, and looking angry as he pointed at the camera. There were quite a few of him as well; he was standing in front of sunsets overlooking the land, of him holding flowers Rin gave him, also one he had a flower crown Rin got him to wear. Also, there was some of him sleeping; he had to be sleeping because he didn't even notice her taking these, really though he didn't notice her taking any of these.

Then the screen flipped to an image of a tall structure; for the next few images there were different buildings and structures filling the images. Along with many, many, people; he couldn't believe how many people were in these photos, they all were dressed so differently as well. The clothing was unfamiliar, there was a very wide variety of clothing, it was strange. This is where she was from? He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

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