Dearest Adrien (Part 5)

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Dearest Adrien,

I wish you would see it,
And make this unending pain go away.
I wish you fill the hole in my heart,
For you're the only one who fits this dismay.

I begin each day with a thought of yours,
And yearn for you through the night.
You make me stutter and stumble a lot,
But through my darkness, you're the light.

I'll shine and be your warmth,
When you're stuck in a pile of snow.
And you'll be the calm to my chaos,
And through the mist, we'll glow.

I wish I had enough courage,
To hand over this letter to you.
And if not straight up confess,
Then at least be able to give you a clue.

But being stupidly tongue tied,
Has held me to the ground.
It prevents me from speaking my heart,
And for it to be found.

But one day, my love, one day,
I'd be able to tell you all I feel.
I hope you wouldn't mind waiting,
For I assure you, it would feel surreal.

With brimming affection,
Marinette. ❤️

Date: 21 June 2022
(Age: 18)

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