Dearest Adrien (Part 8)

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Dearest Adrien,

I could barely contain my excitement for this letter, even though this is a matter of graveness.

Spending so much time with you, I could see how you've loosened up to me, and become much more free. However, there still remained some enigma to you.

Almost as if something was hidden, a secret part of you. alter-ego.

And now I know why I felt that way.

I still remember the shock on my face when I saw that green light engulf you, replacing those cat-ears and tail, with well, you. Your civilian ego.

I always knew, I had loved you as Adrien, but the fact that you were Chat Noir, changed...everything.

I have already dreamt of you as Adrien every day, but now I know that I'm in love with all of you.

Knowing that it was you behind that black mask, it adds on a whole new layer to our relationship. I care so much for my partner, my sweet Chaton.

And knowing it was you who gave me all that love and support, is just so overwhelming, in the most amazing way ever.

I can just wish, I would go and confess to you, if not as Adrien, then as Chat.

For my heart longs for you, all of you.

Forever and always yours,
Marinette. ❤️

Date: 21 December 2023

(Age: 20)

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