The Discovery

127 29 13

9th July, 2020.

A sudden halt to this daily hustle,
Do you miss that constant bustle?
That morning rut had become so ingrained,
All of us to this humdrum, were chained.

With a minimal breakfast and dozy face,
I'd get ready for the morning's chase,
So accustomed to this daily routine,
I could've been called a daybreak machine.

But the habitual drill changed at a stroke,
The city enveloped in this fearful cloak,
People confined to the spaces of their abodes,
The urban glowed with tranquil roads.

All the bygone peace, gradually aligned,
For a change calmed the chaotic mind,
Senses soared displaying the salient hue,
Heard the leaves rustle in the morning dew.

A divine mystery in nature's essence,
Flowers with their celestial flourescence,
Touches the mind in it's deepest zone,
Kissing through your dormant unknown.

But the outside world in complete turmoil,
And doctors living this life of toil,
This creeping calamity and sense of dread,
One day we'll surely break the thread.

Next time when I'll go camping in caves,
Or my palms cupping those frothy waves,
I'll recall these times if the skies go dark,
These memories will glow with their magic spark.

~ Neeraj Giri © ~

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