The Gladdening Greys

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Shrinking light in the sky so glum,
The size of which one cannot fathom,
Insidiously advancing, the rumbling loud,
Seemed like death, in it's ashen shroud.

The grey puffs all over the shady sky,
Overlapping, with a facade so high,
Smoggy air and the surrounding mist,
A sleepy mood beginning to encyst.

Keeping windows cracked, I'd stay in bed,
Hearing the rain, feeling it's gradual spread,
Wrapping myself in the warmest cloak,
I'd lie back to listen as the Earth spoke.

As nature soared with it's endless cascade,
Mind soothened and thoughts all arrayed,
Reminiscing about my early days,
The rain's impact over time, varied in ways.

Often when I'd step out to play,
Humbly praying for the skies to turn grey,
Loitering around with my head gazing high,
To those chubby clouds, if only I could fly.

Then showers began, and the cautious world,
Ran to be safe in their homes all curled,
But I stood still feeling the droplets grow,
Those cold beads making my insides glow.

Sloshing through puddles made me feel,
Some inner solace and this fleeting heal,
Parting my arms, into the sky I peer,
Hugging the rain with my innocent cheer.

As we grew up, our gazes turned low,
Time consumed by the corporate shadow,
From hurdling puddles and escaping fast,
We all moved on from our playful past.

Next year when these clouds appear,
And pours down on our near and dear,
I've promised myself that I'll play again,
To the child in me who had embraced the rain.

~ Neeraj Giri © ~

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