God's aide

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31st August, 2020.

Reassuring skies now obscured by overcast,
In this world cursed by Sekhmet and Bast,
Your moral courage, your saintly pat,
Healed the ailing from the devil's wrath.

Uncanny times and we've lost all track,
Of days and weeks, our hopes now slack,
Your compassion from beneath those shields,
Kindled our fires, in frozen fields.

We're shrouded and safe, in our cosy domes,
The call of duty, seized your sense of homes,
Your dedication towards this lethal post,
Will salvage our kind from this unseen ghost.

As our dreams drown, in depths of despair,
With rising numbers, things seem unfair,
Your optimism in your daily grind,
Is the cosmic trail which you leave behind.

Our deepest gratitude and utmost respect,
Your greatest influence, hopes will resurrect,
In millions of tongues we send our love,
And God will watch over you from above.

~ Neeraj Giri ~

T.C. PoetryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang