Chapter 1

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Asshole, absolute fucking asshole. He underpays me then has the audacity to say that I don't work hard enough. Just because fucking Andi has her tits out—

Whoosh, suddenly all the breaths knocked out of me in one go, the impact almost making my ass connect with the cold granite floor. Hands grab my arms to steady me but Ive already regained my balance.

I  shove them off. "Watch where you're going asshole!" I shout. I bend to grab my bag, and as I straighten my eyes drift over black derby shoes, grey suit-clad legs and torso. I roll my eyes. "Of course, another rich snob." It would be my luck to bump into someone rich not even ten minutes after i turned broke.

"I wasn't the one-speed walking and talking to myself," the guys says, making my gaze snap up to his. Strong jaw with a slight stubble, dark brown eyes and hair. He's tall, very tall I realise much to my displeasure. It'd take one and a half of me to reach him.

I don't let his height throw me off. "I was not talking to myself! You should get your ears checked." And just because I can't help myself, under my breath, I mumble. "Or maybe it's because you rich snobs have your heads so far up your own asses that you most likely still wouldn't hear anything after a million checkups."

"What was that?" He grumbles, eyes narrowed into tight slits.

Smiling bitterly, I shake my head up at him. "What was what?" I ask innocently.

He opens his mouth to say something but I beat him to it. "As much as I love this," sarcasm laces my tone as I wave a finger between us. "I have somewhere to be."

Despite my cold demeanour, I'm panicking on the inside. I'm late! So fucking late it's unreal. In fear of being late I didn't even say all the mean cruel things I wanted to say to my boss— I mean ex-boss. Yet here I am, talking to this rich snob.

I can't deal with two rich snobs back to back in less than ten minutes, that's a major corruption of my sanity

He smiles and I roll my eyes before walking away.

"Wait!" He shouts behind me.

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