.Chapter 7.

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We were riding on Appa.Aang was pacing around the saddle and breathing heavily.

"Would you sit down?" Sokka asks. "If we hit a bump, you'll go flying off. What's bugging you anyway?"

"Did you forget he's a airbender?And we're mid-air,what would we hit?" I ask.

"It's what Avatar Roku said. I'm supposed to master all four elements before that comet arrives." Aang says.

"Well, let's see. You pretty much mastered airbending and that only took you a hundred and twelve years. I'm sure you can master three more elements by next summer." Sokka says sarcastically.

"I haven't even started waterbending and we're still weeks away from the North Pole. What am I gonna do?" Aang asks.

"Couldn't Hayes teach you some firebending?" Sokka asks.

"Isn't there a order?Or like if you learn it out of order,it'll be harder." I explain.

"Then why are you with us?" Sokka asks.

"I'm the muscle." I say smiling.

"I'm the muscle!" Sokka says offended.

"Well,then you're the pretty face.No I lied,that's Aang and Katara." I say chuckling.

"Calm down, it's going to be okay. If you want, I can try to teach you some of the stuff I know." Katara tells Aang.

"You'd do that?" Aang asks with a big smile.

"We'll need to find a good source of water first." Katara says.

"Maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash in." Sokka says.

I giggle and Sokka looks at me with a smile.I look away quickly and twiddle my thumbs.
We stand in front of a river and waterfall.

"Nice puddle." I say.

Appa flys into the water and almost soaks Momo.

"Yeah! Don't start without me, boy!" Aang says running towards the water.

"Remember the reason we're here." Katara says.

"Oh right. Time to practice waterbending." Aang says.

"Great. So what are we supposed to do?" Sokka asks.

"You could ... clean the gunk out of Appa's toes." Aang says handing us a branch with leaves at the end.

"So, while you guys are playing in the water, we're supposed to be hard at work picking mud out of a giant bison's feet?" Sokka asks.

"Mud and bugs!" Aang says cheerfully.

"Well you can do that.I'm gonna chill under a tree." I say patting Sokka's shoulder.
I sit under a tree burning a small leaf.I look over and Katara and Aang water bending and Sokka cleaning Appa's toes.Aang sends a big wave towards Sokka and it knocks him in the water.I smile and look back over to Katara.She seems a little mad,but it could be nothing.
We started walking through a city market and port.I look over and whisper to Katara.

"These clothes are uncomfortable.Why can't I just wear my clothes and tell them I'm good." I whisper to Katara.

"Listen,next time you can show your Fire Nation,but we'll have to be careful." Katara whispers to me.

"We've got exactly three copper pieces left from the money that King Bumi gave us. Let's spend it wisely." Sokka says.

"Uh, make that two copper pieces, Sokka. I couldn't say no to this whistle!" Aang says happily.

The Fire Princess |ATLA Fanfic|  (DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt