+ Jackie and Kitty 2 +

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Requested by: justabatbatmention a user
"Kitty and Jackie out together and an accident happens."

Hope this is good! :)


Jackie was happy. Like really happy. Her and Kitty were out at the mall and she felt like she finally had a mom that noticed her.

Jackie's parents were too busy to notice their own daughter, and Kitty was always there to notice. Even though it wasn't her actual mom- kitty was the closest thing to a mom for her.

As they walked around the mall, Jackie noticed a little kid jumping into the fountain and couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh my god," she breathed, "Mrs. Forman did you see that? A little kid jumped into the fountain!"

Mrs. Forman looked to the fountain and saw an angry mother pulling her soaking wet son from that fountain and started laughing.

When Kitty settled down enough to talk, she told Jackie, "ya know, when Eric was little he did this and... lost his pants!"

Jackie started laughing again. "Oh my god! I'm never going to live that down!"

Kitty started laughing again, and then stopped.

"Oh noo."

"Mrs. Forman what's-" she stopped when she saw the wet trail going down her pants.

Jackie gasped. "Let's get you to the bathroom!"

Jackie led Kitty to the bathroom as quickly as she could while trying to cover her with their shopping bags.

Once they were in the bathroom and Kitty was in a stall, Jackie started going through the bags.

"Did you buy any pants or skirts or anything?"

"Yes. I bought a tan pair of pants. Give them to me," Kitty says changing out of her soaked pants.

Jackie throws them over her door and hits Kitty in the face, making her huff out an "oof."

"Wait," Jackie says, "what about your underwear?"

Kitty curses out of embarrassment, "there should be a pair in the pink bag."

Jackie scrunches her face in disgust and slides the bag under the door while waiting for Kitty to finish repressing.

"Okay, I'm good. Lets go," Kitty says as she leaves the stall and goes to leave the bathroom. But she throws the soaked clothes in the trash before she leaves.

Kitty and her walk to her car in silence. She finally speaks once they start driving.

"Jackie, this is our little secret. If I find out you told anyone, I will never talk to you again."

Jackie nods before saying, "you got it Mrs. Forman. Nobody knows."


This is me finishing this at 3am because i can't sleep hahaha.

Anyways I'm tired and yeah. :)

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