+Challenge Thingy+

25 1 8

I was tagged by: Rocketthedragon (hi skyler!)

1. I start online school Friday. :(
2. I started getting more into MCR.
3. I have 2 tumblr accounts.
4. My favorite 80s movie is dead poets society.
5. My favorite TV show is shameless (us).
6. I love music a lot.
7. Im going into 10th grade.
8. I have 2 dogs.
9. I have older cousins on both sides of my family.
10. I turn 16 in March. :)

I dont know anyone to tag im sorry! :/

A joke: I have a good fashion sense because I was in the closet for 2 years.

Spoiler about next book: I'm still working on this and something for ao3, and there's something else from Tumblr. ;)

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