Chapter 4

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It's been a month since the event with Jake. I'm really confused as to what he was talking about.

Is he threatening me?

"You're her besfriend and that's your only role."

There's no way I'll let him go near her again.

Because of him, Alice cried.

Then again... wy did Alice broke up with him?

I'm really confused of what he's going on about.

Alice didn't show any more signs of her being affected by Jake's presence which is a relieve so I won't see her cry anymore. But... deep inside me, I know she's just holding it back so no one would worry.

During those days, she oftenly go to the clinic and I don't know why. It's kind of weird since she doesn't normally go to the clinic just for some small wounds or something. She sometimes seemed down whenever she comes back from the clinic but she just shrug it off quickly if I asked her what's wrong but I notice it always.

Maybe she joined the Red Cross Youth team...

The RCYs are the ones who help the nurses in the clinic for those students who fell ill, wounded or bruised in school. They assist them and most of the time, they're the ones who actually manage those student.

The next day after that fight, Alice kept on throwing questions at me of why am I covered in bruises. I can't believe she was able to see it even though I covered it with mom's make up. I was kind of happy she was worried about me but I can't tell her why I am covered in them.

Since it's my fault I'm covered with it... sigh~...

Good thing though she didn't saw Jake covered in bruises since she barely see him in for a month.

It's the third week of July and all the School's Sports Coordinators along with the SSG are having a meeting for the upcoming month for the "Intramurals" event where each grade level will be having a contest in different sports along with their chosen players.

I'm sure Alice will be hyped again!

Alice always join in this event as one of our grade level's Volleyball Team. She loves to play volleyball. Did you know she's one of the School's MVP in Volleyball? Well now you know.

She's really amazing...

The meeting is now done and all the rules are just the same as last year so we didn't talked that much except on how to handle the crowd audience during the event and suggested to let the C.A.T. officers handle them.


It's already the fourth week of July and it's the dated week for the students to try-out in the sports they want to join.

I already told Alice about the date of the try-outs so I'm sure she brought her clothes fit for playing now since starting from this day until the day after tomorrow will be the only time for those students who want to join volleyball, soccerball, futsal, takraw, and baseball. The other sports are dated on a different day on this week so for now, these are the only sports open for try-outs.

It's already 3:53 p.m. and in a few minutes will be the students' free time to try-out for the sport they want to join available today.

"Alright, Class dismissed," our last teacher of the day said and with that, the students around hurriedly run out of the classroom and those who are left were me, Alice and the Cleaners for today.

Those students have no discipline... sigh...

"Alice, come on! Let's go!" I said as I stood up after fixing my things but she didn't respond.

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