Chapter 6

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Today is the start of the Intramurals. Many students are gathering around the stage at the field for the opening program amd some are just going around the booths.

Right now, I'm with the other SSG officers near the stage, managing the crowd and helping the others pass the snacks for the teachers on stage. At the same time, I'm looking for Alice in the crowd but I can't seem to find her.

Where are you..?

I sighed with no luck of seeing her and just continued on my work. For the opening event, there'll be a cheerleading contest between grade levels. All of the students are hyped as to what is about to unfold in the contest and I know Alice wants to see this.

...but where is she?

The talk at the library really caught me off guard. I mean, the words she said back there seems like it has deeper meanings than literal.

"Even stories with the happiest prologue has its saddest epilogue..."

"The truth always shows up in the end..."

"...stories you must see through on your own..."

".. Even the liveliest protagonist can die in the end."

I get what she meant by those words since we're talking about a book but the thing that made them have other meanings was the expression she gave when she said it all. It's like she's saying... She's the boy in the book.

But that's impossible...

I mean, she doesn't sleep that long! We always meet up in school or go out to each others houses to hang out during weekends so that's not questionable!

Then.. what is it that she wants to convey..?

"Even the liveliest protagonist can die in the end..."

Wait... No...

It's not possible!... But it can...

No no no no no no no.... No!

Then again... Why would she say that? Is she sick? She doesn't even look sick.

"There are stories that you must see through on your own..."

Damn it! Alice!

"Hey! Josh!" I called out to Josh who's also managing the crowd since he's a grade 11 representative and one of my close friends.

"Yeah?" He asked sounding bored.

"Can you cover for me? I just ne-"

"-need to look for Alice... Yeah yeah whatever lover boy..." He said continuing what I said since it always happen this way whenever there's an event so I quickly dashed off and look for Alice.

I've gone to the places where she would usually hang out whenever there's a school event. Like the benches near the huge tree, the clinic, the volleyball court, but she's nowhere to he found.

Maybe that place again?!

I dashed off to our secret sanctuary with my mind running with thoughts about the things that has been going on around her 'til now.

Why did I realize it just now?!

She hesitates to answer whenever I asked her what's going on in her mind when I caught her in a daze!

She always refuse to answer whenever I asked her what's wrong!

She stopped playing volleyball!

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