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"If you are happy in a dream...does that count? The happiness - does it count?"- Arundhati Roy

does that count? The happiness - does it count?"- Arundhati Roy

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Yaoundé, Cameroon

Nathanael was running.

He had been running for what seemed like an eternity now shouting, calling Keira's name out loud in the cold night over and over again.

But she never responded.

Nathanael increased his pace. His bare feet stepping over some stones and sticks, his toe nails taking in the mud. He was drained, he was so cold that he could hardly feel his finger tips, but he would not stop, not until he had found her.

Oh, what he could do for her. What he could do in the name of love.

It's really strange you know. Some years back he would have never imagined that such a love could exist. A love so beautiful, yet so painful. A love that caused him to do things humans could see as impossible. A love that was endless, infinite. A love that came like a big bang just like everything in this life.

A love that got carried away.

"Nathan," Nathanael's body froze, not at the sound of his name, but at the voice who called it. Quickly, he turned around and a smile formed on his lips when his gaze fell on her.

She was wearing a long transparent white nightgown which gummed on her skin, exposing all of her curves and the round nature of her breast. Her long hair, which was usually brown and slightly powdered black was flapping in her face. Her eyes was bloodshot red with dark rings under and her plump lips were blue.

"Keira," Nathanael trailed off, taking a step towards her wanting to be close to her, to pull her to him so that their two cold bodies could finally be warmed up by their love. "Keira, come over here. Let's leave this place."

Keira shook her head vigorously and took a step backward.

"You shouldn't be here, Nathanael," she told him using his full name instead of the 'Nathan' she had first said. "You shouldn't be here."

"It's the same for you," Nathanael told her, taking a step forward.

Even though Keira was some meters away and they were under the hammering rain, Nathanael could clearly hear her talking to him, as if she was speaking directly inside his head. "You shouldn't be here, Keira. Please let's-"

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