A Dream

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Izuku Midoriya was sitting on a rooftop, crying. His idol, All Might had told him that he should give up on becoming a hero, the one that told everybody that they can become heroes, had told him the exact opposite. Izuku had enough, he couldn't handle it anymore, he had been tormented for his whole life only because of something that wasn't his fault. Tears were running down his face as he slowly walked to the edge, "I-I'm sorry m-mum" he sobbed while taking off his shoes and putting his backpack down. "I hope you'll have a better life without me" he smiled while still crying, "You get what you wanted Kac- Bakugou" the tears slowly stopped and were replaced by a angel like smile. "Good bye" He took another step closer to the edge, "Good bye mum, Good bye Bakugou" he said as he leaned forwards.

The fall was like slowmotion for Izuku, he felt like he was weightless and free. The last seconds in the life of Izuku Midoriya were illuminated by one last smile, at least it should have been like that. Izuku felt like something was coming out of his back and it hurt, it broke through his skin from the inside and wrapped around him.

That day a large serpentine monster appeared in japan, nobody knew where it came from but some people speculated that it was a villain's quirk. A lot of homes and work places got destroyed that day, luckily only few died that day. The Media called the giant monster "Dragon" due to it's appearance, it had eyes all over it's body and it's skin had a dark red tone. The monster was growing every month a little and The heroes couldn't do much against it, they were like ants for the dragon. Strange Creatures were coming out of the monstrosity, the heroes had to fight them almost everyday. Even some villains helped them, it was about surviving for all of them. 

"Eraser, are you listening?" a man in a hero costume ripped the tired man out of his trance. Eraserhead just nodded even though he didn't hear a word, "Where was I? Ah, The dragon orphans seem to be getting fewer. This is a photo of Hosu a month ago" The man said as he showed a photo on the large screen, it showed a army of those humanoid monsters that the people called "Dragon Orphans" "And this is a photo from yesterday" the man added as he showed another photo, it showed only few monsters. "Dragon does not reproduce them anymore" The man explained to the heroes in the room, "We don't know the reason but it is still a good sign" the man smiled. "What if it's just The calm before the storm?" A hero that Aizawa didn't know the name of said. "We can only hope that it isn't" was the only reply the hero got.

"I'll take this area" Eraser said and pointed at a part of the map on the wall as the meeting came to an end. After that he walked out of the room and made his way towards the place.

When Aizawa got there he found only few Dragon Orphans and took them down quickly. He looked around, he was at a large building that was almost consumed by the dragon. That was the biggest part of the dragon, Aizawa suspected that, that was the place where the dragon started it's rampage through the city. "Eraserhead!" He heard a voice through his headset, "Yeah, what is it?" he asked tiredly. "The Dragon Orphans are falling apart here" the woman on the other side of the connection said. Aizawa quickly looked around, he spotted a monster stumbleing towards him, it was slowly melting and didn't even get to him. "Yeah, here too" he replied to the woman, Aizawa wanted to add something but got interrupted by a loud noise, it sounded like somebody was ripping flesh apart.

The Underground hero quickly looked around and noticed arms coming out of the large monstrosity. He stared at the pair of arms in fear, it could be another enemy, maybe even worse than the Dragon Orphans. The person inside the dragon slowly crawled out of it, it was what seemed to be just a teenager but his body wasn't human, at least not completely, His torso was a dark red similar to the dragon and was just not really describable, the red part stopped on his neck so his head was the head of a normal human being. The white and black haired boy looked around confused, red marks were under his eyes. He looked at the large structure under his feet, "What is this?" he spoke with a scratchy voice, he hadn't spoken in almost a year. He then looked at his hands and body, he looked confused and somehow sleepy. He then noticed Eraserhead and his face lit up, "Eraserhead! I always wanted to meet you" he said a little too loud, he hold his hand to his throat due to the sudden pain. Aizawa didn't know what to say to the boy, he had just come out of a monster. "W-What h-happened?" the boy asked as he looked around, the city he had known since his childhood was in ruins mostly.

Eraserhead didn't know what to do so he just took the kid with him, the boy looked sad as they walked around the city together. The Ice cream shop where he used to go as a kid was now completly destroyed by the dragon. "What's your name kid?" Aizawa finally spoke up, "Izuku. Izuku Midoriya" the white and black haired Izuku answered, it all felt like a dream, it just didn't feel real, but it was real. "What's the last thing that you can remember?" Aizawa asked as he jumped over some rubble, "I-I.. I j-jumped" Izuku looked to the ground. Aizawa still didn't know if he should trust the boy but wanted to help the kid.

They arrived at the base that the heroes had set up, they were greeted by All Might with a large smile. Izuku just stared at the number one hero in shock, a single tear was running down his face before he passed out. All Might didn't even remember the boy, for him he was just a possible enemy.


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