A flower

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"Now try what we trained" Aizawa said to Izuku as they were sitting in the kitchen. The former green eyed boy nodded and walked into the living room. He activated his kagune and send it towards the plate on the dining table. A mouth formed and bit into the burger, "What about eyes?" Aizawa asked and eyes formed on the tentacle like kagune. Aizawa just smiled satisfied, they had trained for months now and Izuku had made progress with his new quirk. There were only some days left till the Ua entrance exam, Aizawa was sure that his boy would make it.

"We also wanted to talk about something with you" Yamada said as he walked into the room. "You've been living here for some months now" The blonde started, Izuku knew that he had to move out someday. "and you don't have your mother anymore, you'd usually have to live with your god mother now but after what you told us about The Bakugou's we decided that it was best if we adopt you" He finished, Izuku was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that. "So what do you say, kid?" Aizawa asked, a single tear ran down the boys face as he nodded with a slight smile. Yamada suddenly glared at his husband, "now is the question whose name you'll take" he said. Izuku knew that either way he was screwed, if he took Aizawa, Yamada would make his food even worse than before and if he took Yamada, Aizawa would make his training even harder. But bad food was still better, "Sorry Yamada" was all he said with a apologizing expression on his face. "It's fine young listener, I would have choosen the same but I have to say that I'm jealous. I couldn't take shouta's name because of our work" he pouted a little. 'Phew, no bad food' Izuku thought as he smiled at his new parents.

A few days later, Izuku stood infront of the familar building. Both, Aizawa and Yamada had offered his a recommendation but he declined, he didn't want to have any benefits, from having them as his parents. He slowly walked towards the entrance while some people where staring at him, everybody could see his arms and neck clearly. He just ignored them and saved a girl from tripping on his way, he didn't even wait for her to thank him, he just walked past her.

He quickly finished the written exam, it really helped that Aizawa and Yamada had tought him at home. "Everybody give me a hey!" Present Mic shouted, the audience was completely silent just a cough from the back could be heard. Izuku really felt sorry for his dad in that moment, said man looked hurt for a short moment but quickly smiled again and explained them the physical exam. "Excuse me but the sheets we got have four types of robots on them, if this is a mistake then it would be a shame for this school" A Blue haired boy suddenly spoke up, "And you! you've been playing with that flower for the whole time, it is really annoying and distracting!" he said and pointed at Izuku. "If you're here just to distract others then go home!" he said again, Izuku got really annoyed by him. He slowly stood up and turned towards the bluenette. "Shut the fuck up" he said with in a calm tone and with a sweet smile on his lips. "You're the one that's distracting everybody right now. And the fourth robot is just an obstacle and is worth zero points" Izuku explained calmly, "And about my flower.. isn't it beautiful?" Izuku said as he hold the flower to the boy to let him get a closer look at it. The beautiful white flower suddenly changed into blood red and a eye opened on the head of the flower. The boy stumbled backwards and kept quiet, Izuku just sat back down and let Yamada continue.

"Thank you Izuku" The blonde smiled at the black haired boy and turned back to the others. "As he said, the zero pointer is just a obstacle to over come" Present mic explained to them.

The blue haired boy from earlier stood infront of Izuku as they were standing infront of the gigantic fake city. He opened his mouth to speak but got interrupted by Izuku, "distraction" was all he said before walking past him. Izuku activated his kakugan and his kagune, two large wings came out of his back and a mask appeared on his face. The mask was the same colour as his body and theet similar to the dragon's were at the place of his own mouth. "Go!" Yamada yelled and Izuku stormed forwards, the others just watched as he destroyed one robot after another. "What are you waiting for? Follow Izuku!" Yamada yelled at them, they snapped out of their trance and did as they were told. 

Izuku stopped on top of a building after he had about hundred points, he sat down on the edge and let his legs dangle. He got interrupted as the ground shook, a large zero pointer appeared in the city. Izuku already knew how big the robot was, Yamada didn't want to tell him at first as he asked but after some convincing he told him. Izuku decided to show the pro heroes that were watching what he was really capable of. His kagune formed to a long dragon like tail, two tentacles were coming out of it that he could use to fight. He used his tail to jump towards the monstrosity that was the zero pointer, his tentacles shot forward and pierced the robot's head multiple time. Izuku looked like a dragon flying through the air majestically but he looked dangerous at the same time. Not only the people in Izuku's fake city saw the dragon but also everybody else in the other cities.

Izuku made his kagune disappear and just fell to the ground, he didn't even get a scratch from the impact. Only then he noticed that he had saved a life without himself knowing, he walked over to the young girl and helped get up from under the rubble. Everybody just stared at him in shock even the girl, Izuku just ignored them and helped the girl to recovery girl.


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