Wake up

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"Hey kid" was the first thing Izuku heard as he woke up in a hospital bed. He quickly looked around, Eraserhead was sitting on a chair next to his bed with a slight smile on his face. "We checked you informations and body" the Ua teacher said, Izuku looked interested, after all his body had changed a lot. His hands were replace by new claw like hands that looked just like the rest of his body and his feet didn't look any better, the only thing that stayed the same was his head, at least most of it, his hair had changed, his usual green was replace with white but his black parts stayed normal. "Our files say that you disappeared on the day that the dragon appeared" Aizawa said and looked at boys facial expression, he just looked confused. "What is the dragon?" he asked, Aizawa took out his phone and showed him a picture of the serpentine. "I saw you coming out of it, do you have some kind of serpent quirk?" Aizawa asked the boy. Izuku just shook his head "I-I'm quirkless" he stuttered, "the doctor said something different" Aizawa said simply. "I-I have a q-quirk?" he asked confusedly, everything still felt like a dream. "Apparently... you said that you jumped, it can happen that people develop quirks in stressful situations" Aizawa explained. Izuku looked at his hands, he had a quirk but at what cost?

"Ehm.. Your mother" Aizawa was bad telling people those things, he didn't want to deal with crying people. "She got killed by a Dragon Orphan" he said after a while, Izuku just tried to hold back his tears and somehow did pretty well. Eraser let him alone after that to let him process everything. As soon as the door closed Izuku started sobbing, "S-She was t-the only one I h-had" he cried out as he buried his face in his claws. 'Oh please, she was never there for you' his own voice interrupted his thoughts, he was suddenly in a dark shady room. "N-No she loved me" he cried as he fell down to the cold floor, "What about all the times she beat you. She hated you for being quirkless!" a black haired Izuku yelled. "N-No! She never did that! S-Sh-She would never..." he sobbed but suddenly remembered all times that she had beat him, let her anger out on him and when she went too far and almost killed him. "No No no no no! She n-never-" "Stop dreaming, this is reality!" the black haired boy interrupted him, Izuku then finally looked up to his other self.

Izuku suddenly snapped out of it, he was sitting in the hospital again. "Are you okay?" Aizawa asked as he walked back into the room, "Yeah" Izuku just smiled genuinely. "So what about my quirk?" he asked completely without stuttering, "Your hair" Aizawa said and pointed at the boys hair. "My hair?" the boy looked confused, "It's black" Aizawa said just as confused as the boy. Izuku quickly remembered his conversation with himself, "I stopped dreaming" Izuku smiled. Aizawa just shrugged the strange comment off "So, about your quirk.. Dragon was the fullest extend of your power" Aizawa said, it was bitter sweet, the boy was a nice young man but he created a monster that caused so many people to suffer. "Oh" was all that Izuku said as he looked on his hands with sadness in his eyes. "So, what you're saying is that I am a monster" Izuku said as he looked back up. "No, nobody is a monster just because of their quirk, there is no villainous quirk in this world and there is no heroic quirk, it always depends on the person that's using the quirk" Aizawa said as he sat down next to Izuku's bed. Izuku just nodded quietly, "Now get ready, you'll live with me, the doctor said that you're completely fine even though your body looks like this" Aizawa said. Izuku just nodded again, he couldn't believe it, somebody wanted to live with him, a monster.

"Your body seems to have mutated due to your quirk, the doctor said that you have new organs that he has never seen before not even on other mutant quirk users" Aizawa explained on the ride home. Izuku looked up to him from the back seat, he didn't want to say that he was missing a part of his body but he didn't know how he should go to the toilet. 'I'll figure it out myself' he sighed, "We'll train your quirk together so that something like the dragon won't happen again" Aizawa said as he drove towards a big building. Izuku just nodded in response.

"Hizashi, we're home" Aizawa said tiredly as he opened the door to his apartment, "Hello there Shouta, and you must be the young listener he told me about!" Present Mic said way too loud as he looked from his husband to the boy. Izuku would go into his fanboy mode in such a situation but he didn't feel like it, he was responsible for the suffering of so many people, he felt like he was some kind of demon that had to be exorcized. "Hello Present Mic" was all that Izuku said in response to the blond man. "Please call me Yamada!" he said, "Okay yamada, I'm Izuku Midoriya" Izuku said tiredly, he really just wanted to sleep after all that stress and never wake up.

"The Monster called "Dragon" stopped it's rampage today, the person who caused all this was found. It was just a boy, it was the first time that he used his quirk, he himself lost his mother in this incident. Dragon also started to fall apart after the boy got out of it, the rebuilding of the city will start in a month" A woman on the Tv said. Izuku took the remote and turned the tv off, it had been one day already since he arrived at his new home. They were really nice to him, Izuku felt like he didn't deserve it but when he told them they just said that he did. "Hey, there young listener!" Yamada greeted him with a big smile, Izuku smiled slightly in return. "Let's go to the mall! You need clothes, you can't walk around with Shouta's old stuff" The blond pro hero said. "Okay" Izuku said, he felt like he was just a burden, "Let's go then!" The blond shouted as he grabbed his jacket.

Izuku smiled happily, it was nice seeing that not every part of the city was destroyed but his smile quickly dropped as he felt the stares of the people around him. Mutant quirks weren't something new but Izuku was still something different, he looked as if you put a human's head onto a alien. "Ignore them" Yamada smiled at him, Izuku's smile quickly came back and they walked towards a fashion store.

They had some bags in their hands as the two passed a Piercing shop, Izuku's eyes went to a pair of earrings in the shop window. Yamada noticed it and dragged the boy into the shop, they had to make him earholes first, it was way harder than expected. Izuku's regeneration kept on closing the hole, they eventually did it and Izuku bought the black cross earrings he had seen in the shop window. He was able to wear them as soon as they left the shop due to his accelerated healing, he had choosen specifically those earrings due to his body, he felt like a demon and needed something to keep him under control.


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