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Izuku was woken up by a loud knock at his door, he didn't want to get up. He heard the door getting opened, Izuku slowly opened his eyes and saw a yellow caterpillar lying in the middel of his room. The caterpillar moved it's head towards him, Aizawa staring at him "Get up, we'll leave for training in half an hour" he said before crawling out again. Izuku sighed and stood up, he grabbed some clothes and got into the shower. He got out of the shower and got dressed, he didn't even know why he was doing it. He sat down with Yamada and Aizawa on the dining table and ate the food Yamada made for him, the man really wasn't good at cooking.

"The doctor told me that your quirk has something to do with your new organs" Aizawa explained as they arrived at a forest far away from the city. "He said that you can somehow form weapons or something" Aizawa said tiredly, he didn't really listen to the doctor so he couldn't really help the boy. "Just try to form something" Aizawa said while getting back into his sleeping back to watch the boy from there. Izuku sighed and tried to think of activating it, he need some tries to get it but eventually a large wing like structure formed on his back. He looked at them, they were beautiful, he really wasn't sure anymore if he was a demon. Izuku looked at the man that had watched him, he had fallen asleep. Izuku looked at the capture gear of the man, suddenly his wings formed to a similar scarf. Izuku smiled satisfied, maybe this power wasn't that bad after all.

Izuku quickly woke up Aizawa, "huh?" was the only noise coming from the older man as he saw Izuku's capture gear. Izuku changed it back to the large wings, "Good job, problem child" Aizawa smiled slightly. They started to train together and kept on doing that for the rest of the, Aizawa thought him some hand to hand combat and other useful things.

"What are you going to do next?" Aizawa asked more tired than before, Izuku looked up from the small flower that he had formed with his quirk. "Do you want to become a pro hero or do you want to do something else?" Aizawa asked while he concentrated on the street infront of him. Izuku looked back at the beautiful flower growing from his back and going all the way over his arm to his hand. He learned that his quirk could be used for good and create beauty, he smiled at the little flower and looked back up. "I want to become a hero" he said to the pro hero, Aizawa smiled back at him, not a normal nice smile but a evil grin. "I will let you go trough hell" he mumbled and looked back at the road.

"Yamada, we're back!" Izuku said before aizawa could say it. There was no answer, when they got to the living room they found out why. Yamada was lying on the couch and cuddling with a Eraserhead plushie in his sleep. Aizawa slowly walked towards the man and gave him a kiss on the forehead before bringing him to their bedroom.

"You were good today" Aizawa smiled slightly at the boy as he came back from the bedroom. "Thanks" Izuku replied as he sat down on the couch where Yamada had laid only some minutes ago. "How are you feeling?" Aizawa asked, the boy just learned about his mother's death and got a new family. "I'm fine" Izuku said with a genuine smile, The older man looked a little confused but shrugged it off. "Go to bed now, we'll train again tomorrow" Aizawa said while walking back to the bedroom.

The next month really was hell for Izuku, Aizawa put him through a extremely hard training. One day Izuku woke up, it was like every other day. He stood up, he didn't even put clothes on, he just walked towards the shower and got dressed after that. But when he looked into the mirror he noticed something strange, his right eye was completly black and his iris was blood red, thin red veins had formed around it. He looked at it with interest but also fear, this could mean anything, it could be something bad or something good. "Yamada!" Izuku yelled from the bathroom, "Yeah, young listener!" the blonde replied. Izuku walked out of the bathroom to the kitchen and looked at the man. He quietly pointed at his right eye, "huh? What's that?" the male came closer and inspected the eye. "Does it hurt?" he asked worriedly, the black haired boy just shook his head. "We'll go to a doctor before the training" Aizawa said as he entered the room.

"It seems to be a side effect of your quirk, your unused energy has to get stored somewhere" The doctor said as he looked at some of his papers. "You can't do much against it, it will show from time to time." he said while standing up from his chair, "Excuse me I have more patients, Good bye" he said before leaving quickly. "Unused energy, huh" Aizawa chuckled evilly, unused energy meant that Izuku had still energy to train. But Aizawa had no time to train with the boy, he had to teach a class, he didn't have a class that year but the class's teacher was sick so it was his turn. "Alright, you're coming with me to school today" Aizawa said to the boy, "huh?" was all that came from him. "Vlad is sick" was all that he said as explanation and it was all the boy needed as explanation. 

They drove to Ua together but Izuku had no time to be fascinated by the building, he had to keep up with his mentor. "Just go on reddit or something" Aizawa said as they walked through the halls.

"Good morning, Vlad King is sick, so I'll be your teacher for today" Aizawa said with his usual tired expression as he opened the door to the class room. They all watched as their teacher walked inside with a demon child behind him. A hand shot up in the air, "Aizawa-sensei, what about the boy?" the young girl asked. "Hm? that doesn't matter, just ignore him" Aizawa responded, Izuku was more than happy, he didn't want to talk to any of them in the moment. But he felt their stares on him for the whole lesson, "Let's get home before Kayama sees us" Aizawa said as the class was finished. They quickly stormed out of the room and sneaked out of the building.

Author here, I just wanted to explain Izuku's quirk quickly. He has a body similar to Kaneki after he came out of dragon but his hands are different because I don't really like Kaneki's hand in that form. He can form his kagune however he wants and the Kakugan is just there because I like it. He doesn't need to eat human flesh because that's kinda gross, but he still has regeneration and his body is stronger and faster than a normal human's.


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