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Listen to the song I miss you by blink 182 whole reading *in media box*

"Luke I cant do it." "I'll be right behind you." Luke said grabbing ahold of my hand. I walk into the hospital room. I go up to the bed. "Niall I wish we would have been able to talk more, but, I, will never forget you." I start off. Tears start forming in my eyes. "You were like my brother. And I'll never forget how you helped me so much," "Goodbye Niall. I love you." I choke out. When I hear a long beep. That's when I lost it. I dropped to my knees sobbing. Luke picked me up and I cry into his shoulder. My vision gets blurry. "Luke take me home, Please." I manage.

I didn't want to do it. I didn't eat for days. I never left Luke and I's room. I couldn't take it anymore. The hate from fans and the grief of Niall's death was washing over me. The lyrics of I Miss You come into my head. "Hello There angel from my nightmare." That's when I completely lost it. My head started hurting, my vision blurry, voices playing in my head. A loud beeping in my ears. I sat on the floor, with my knees to my chest, and my hands to my ears. "LUKE, MICHAEL? BOYS!" I yelled. Calum bursted in the door. "Help." I whimpered. "MICHEAL." He yelled. Calum ran over to me and held me. Micheal came in. "Cal- Oh my god Sky! MOVE CALUM!" Micheal ran over to me. "Sky look at me." I looked up. "You have to focus okay? On Luke, on me and the boys? And Ash. Okay? Come on please." Micheal said. I started crying. I start gaining my sanity again. That's when Luke came in. "Oh my god what the heck happened." "Luke, something really bad just happened. Really really bad."
So that's it people! I am working on the first chapter for THE SEQUEL! It is called Changing Blue. Go check it out! I love you guys so much thank you for reading!

The Only Reason (5SOS Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora