Chapter 1 - Brothers

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Canada's POV

"On some real shit though like he could have done so much better, don't you think Canada?"

"Yea sure, I guess"

"You guess!? She has the worst attitude man like ehh!"

If you haven't guessed it yet, that's my brother America or as I call him, Ame. Currently we were on our way home from school and he was talking about the newest school hook-up. He likes drama as you can tell. "Are you listening bro" He asked looking at me with confusion, mistakenly letting go of my hand. "U-uh yeah I'm fine" I said grabbing it again and making him laugh. "I didn't ask you if you were okay, I asked if you were listening"
"Guess I wasn't then" I smiled and  looked back at him. "Yeah I know, come on" Ame scoffed and continued to guide me back home.

On the way, we passed an unusually busy street hosting some type of market. The sight as normal as it may look, made me fold closer to my brother; the feeling of his hand squeezing mine just a bit tighter as he lead the way, making sure no one got to close. Why you might ask?

Well to put it simple, I have social anxiety, and I don't particularly like being in crowded areas. This was the reason I always held Ames hand when we were outside. He always makes me feel safer.
"Canada we're gonna have to go through that crowd bro. You wanna take a different way or what?" America asked, looking at me with worry behind his glasses.

Staring ahead, I noticed a group of about 20 or 30 people watching a small magic show on the sidewalk. "Uh...I think I got it" As unsure as I was, it seemed to have been enough to convince him. Ame nodded and pulling me forward, getting us closer and closer. Soon enough, we began walking through the crowd and I felt as if every eye was on me. My own were casted on the pavement just for that extra comfort; the feeling thy they were watching me even though I could hear them laughing at the magician was scary.

"Its okay Nada, we're almost out" Ame spoke, rubbing his thumb on my hand to calm me down. I started to think I'd  get through this alright only to suddenly feel someone bump into me; the feeling of Ame hand disappearing when I fell to the floor. As soon as I looked up, I was met with those eyes, every single pair of them...

Those damn eyes...

Everyone was watching me.

My breathing quickened and I began to frantically look around for my brother, her and still only seeing the eyes of other people. Staring. Watching. Judging. I was frozen with fear seeing some of them whispering to one another, eyes still locked like a target to pray; some tried to talk to me, but I was far too panicked to hear a thing.

Someone suddenly grabbed my arm,making me jolt and look at them only to see that it was just America, looking at me with worry. Before he could even say anything I got up myself and hugged him, the feeling of tears soaking my face and his soft hands patting my back in comfort."It's alright, its alright" He whispered, taking me away from the crowd of eyes as quickly as he could. When we were far enough away, he stopped and began looking me up and own, "Are you okay, how did you get separated from me?" He asked wiping my tears. "I-I don't know, I t-think someone pushed me" My stiffening made him frown and pull me in for a hug
"Its okay Canada, your okay"

It's was times like this that I loved so much, where you could really see the bond we shared, the trust we had for one another. America wasn't just my brother, he was my best friend.

Later that day-

It was dark outside when I finally got to my room, and if anything at all, I just wanted to forget about what happened today.
"Goodnight Ame!" I yelled down the hall to my brother, seeing him peek his head out into the hallway and wave back, "Night bro, night Aussie!"
"Goodnight!" Australia yelled from downstairs, he must have been feeding his turtle. "Goooodnight Kiiiiwiii!" Ame sang, looking towards New Zealand's closed door at the end of the hall. "Go to bed!"
"...good talk" Ame smiled at me one more time before closing his door to get ready for bed. I myself took that as my cue and got in my room to do the same; taking a shower, washing my face, and finally laying down in the warmth of my bedsheets...

But my night isn't over yet...

After about an hour I sat up in bed, pulling out my phone and deciding to check and see if Ame was off of his.
You see, a while ago, Ihad linked up America's phone with mine when he wasn't looking, just so that I could monitor what he did. I could screen-share to see what he saw and I could tell when he got on or off. Looking at the screen I could see that he had gotten off at around 20 minutes ago with his last tab being a YouTube video.

"Baby penguin being tickled"

Cute, but that meant that I had to wait at least another hour before he fell asleep. "Damn" I was getting restless, but all good things came to those who wait so that's what I was gonna do.

An hour later, I sprang up to my bedroom door -after checking again that is- and slowly opened my door; walked into the hallway with as much stealth as I could. The lights downstairs were off so that meant that everyone was asleep. Getting closer to my brothers room, I made sure to be as quiet as possible, even when opening the bedroom door.

There he was, fast asleep on his bed, facing the wall of his room. "Ame, you up?" I whispered in his ear as an extra precaution only hearing small whimpers back. 'Oh yeah he out' I thought to myself, soon sliding in bed next to him and pulled him close to me.

Smelling his hair I soon relaxed knowing that he was close. I was taller than him, so he rightfully fit in my arms like a glove.
His sent was amazing, and as time went on I started to feel those familiar tingles all over my body; my pants soon getting tighter. Moving my hand up Ames shirt and the feeling of his soft skin on my fingers was one of the moment amazing feelings in the world. "Hm" Ame moaned softly, feeling my touch in his sleep. The noise made me bite my lip and slowly begin to grind on him with the thoughts of what I really wanted to do swirling on my head. Gaining confidence, I gradually got faster as time went on.

The thought of him moaning my name made me hold him tighter and slip my hand into pants, but I didn't touch anything in fear of waking him. "A-ah.." I held back a moan as the feeling got more intense and soon enough spilling over. I tensed and halted my vigorous movements, a warm and wet feeling in my shorts bringing my down to earth from my lust filled haze and leaving me breathless...

Oh I forgot to mention...

I'm in love with my brother


Brotherly love NOTजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें