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All her life, Areum was and always nothing but an obedient daughter to her parents. She was raised to believe that she must do all her duties well because even if she's not the heir to the throne, being the princess still holds an important role in the nation. She knows how much responsibility she has to the people of the country so she makes sure that she does her best in everything that she has to do. She promised herself that she'd do what's best for the common good and she rarely disagreed with anything they asked her of.

Most of the time she said yes because it was her duty to do so but today is one of those rare moments.

"What?" The king blurts out because he isn't sure if he heard it right.

"I'm not in favor of your proposal, your majesty." She says calmly even if she's screaming deep inside.

"So you're saying you'd rather have our countries remain at war?" He insinuates and she clenches her fist underneath the table, trying to keep her composure, trying not to lose it right in front of everyone else. This is one of the worst things that could happen, her father guilt tripping her so she'd say yes.

"No, your majesty. What I'm saying is the both of you should settle your disputes in other ways rather than meddling with the lives of your children. I believe we're at the right age to decide for our sake."

"Can you hear yourself right now? How can you be so selfish?"

Selfish? How is this selfish?

There are a thousand things she wants to say but she knows better than to let her emotions take over. The feeling of betrayal burns her very being because she still can't believe that her parents want her to marry just for the sake of politics. On top of that, her relationship with Jungkook is no secret in the palace and they know that they're engaged, promised each other that they'll be wed once they get a break from this long term war but they have the guts to tell this to her as if it's something trivial.

"We're no longer in the eighteen hundreds to act this way, your majesty. This is absurd. I know my duty to our people but⁠—"

"I know what you're worried about, my dear, but let me tell you something, Jungkook himself agreed to this."

That's when her whole world stops. Her heart shatters, hands clammy as her father's words ring in her head. She doesn't want to believe it. Even Jimin, who's standing behind her, is shocked by what he heard and as much as she wants to deny it, she suddenly remembers how much Jungkook avoided her these past few days. He knew what was going on but he still kept her in the dark, didn't even bother to tell her what the two kingdoms had planned. How could he do this to her?

Maybe she really is easy to get rid of. Did fighting for what they have ever crossed his mind or was he that big of a coward to give up. There's a lot of questions running in her mind right now but she gathers herself to answer her father, gathers the remaining pieces of her being that's left intact.

"I don't care whether he agrees to this or not because I'm the one involved here, not him. I get to make the decision."

The king pays her no heed and turns to speak to Vhrea's crown prince, asking for his response regarding this matter.

"I see no problem with it but this can't proceed with the princess disagreeing with the proposal. This isn't a one way thing, your majesty." Yoongi says nonchalantly and she gives him a glare.

"It's alright. I think the princess needs time to process all of this. We'll give you a month to decide. Rest assured that Zlota will be untouched and the ceasefire still stands while she makes her decision." The queen of the opposing nation suggests and with that, they conclude tonight's affair. All her self control is about to snap when her father apologizes on her behalf for acting rude, even saying that she isn't herself today and she'll surely say yes once she's thought it over. He might be the king but he is not in the right position to speak for her and surely, she doesn't feel an ounce of regret for how she acted tonight.

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