Chapter 2

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"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Casey! Happy Birthday to you!" The room filled with the sound of everyone singing in unison, surrounding Casey as she stood behind her birthday cake gracing a huge smile. She held my hand on her right and had her left arm intertwined with another friend's. Her parents occupied the other side of the table snapping pictures as she blew out the candles. Since the time I had spent with Luke at the bar I hadn't run into him, which wasn't too hard to believe considering the size of the party. As friends and family started crowding around, waiting for their turn to take pictures with Casey, I tried to navigate my way out of the mob. Between struggles of stepping on people's toes and other people stepping on my toes, I stumbled backwards losing my balance completely and falling onto another person and taking them down too.

Embarrassed, I frantically called out apologizes as I tried to get up. As I turned my head I realized it was none other than Luke who I had elbowed on my way down and was currently lying on top of. Trying to push myself off of Luke, I put my hand down on what I thought was the ground and heard a loud grunt of pain. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" I continuously exclaimed, finally getting myself up and reaching out to help Luke. Fuck, that was embarrassing. I mentally willed my cheeks not to turn red. Once up he let out a generous laugh.

"That's alright. Are you okay?" He was still laughing but there was hint of genuine concern in his expression. I quickly nodded my head, not trusting my voice. He looked somewhat eager to talk to me, but I'm sure I was just imagining it. "So do you-", he began.

"Bridgette, come get in the picture! I'll send this to your mum!" a voice called out, cutting him off.  I gave Luke a small smile and turned away, moving back in the direction where the pictures were being taken.

"Luke, could you grab me a slice of cake!" Dani's voice called out. I thought heard Luke let out of soft sigh, but I kept moving.  


"Thank you so much for coming Aunty Stacy!" Casey said, hugging her aunt, as she left the venue. Turning to me she dropped her smile, "God these shoes are killing me". Only a few guests remained who had offered to stay and help clean up: A couple of Casey's aunts on her dad's side, her mom's best friend, and the small group of Casey's best friends, which to my delight included Luke, and to my regret included Dani.

"Well that was a hell of a party! We don't have to do any major cleaning, just try to throw out all the trash, and we have to pack up all of the decorations and pop the balloons," Casey's mom, Aunt Jen, announced. She looked exhausted but pleased. She had always been the biggest partier out of all of Casey's mom's sisters. I on the other hand felt like I was going to pass out from sleep deprivation.

"Bridge, do you wanna go home? You're probably exhausted," Casey asked. Before I could even respond she continued, "Don't protest, the time difference probably has you all screwed up. Do you remember how to get home?"

"I can take her," A deep voice said from behind me. I didn't even have to turn around to recognize Luke's voice.

"Luke, you're just trying to get out of cleaning," Dani came out of nowhere laughing. Luke ignored the comment looking to Casey and me with a sincere look. Casey agreed on the idea hugging Luke and thanking him for coming, then turning to me and kissing me on the cheek. I mentally reminded myself not to be embarrassing and followed Luke out the door. I involuntarily shivered when I felt the chilly air.

"I didn't believe my mom when she told me to pack more long sleeves," I said to Luke.

He chuckled in response. "Ahh, yes, Australia the magical land where it never gets cold," He responded sarcastically, and just like that our easy banter picked up again, never missing a beat. All too soon we were pulling into Casey's driveway. We quickly exchanged numbers before I got out of the car. "So what is the time difference then? Is it like 8am in New York?"

"Yeah, but like 8am of yesterday. I basically just partied through the entire night, and now it's getting to be daytime," I responded.

"Well, if you can't sleep you can always text me," He replied. I silently thanked the darkness for hiding my blush. It was really just a nice gesture from a new friend, why was I blushing? Quickly thanking Luke for the ride I got out of the car and unlocked my main door, going inside her house.

I wasn't even capable of waiting for Casey to get home before I felt exhaustion over coming me. While getting ready for bed, my phone buzzed. I expected it to be a report from Casey, but instead it was from Luke: So I know I've given you some great insight on true Australian stereotypes, but could I maybe pick you up at 5 and show you around some other over-visited tourist sites? My heart rate sped up. I quickly typed back a response Sounds like a pretty good offer to me. See you then!

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