Chapter 5

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"And then he kissed me," I smiled, finishing explaining the nights events to Casey. We were sitting at the counter of her kitchen eating breakfast. Both of her parents were at work, so I didn't have to hide my story. Casey looked up at me, shrieking. "Aw Bridge! Was that your first kiss!" she exclaimed. I grinned in response. Casey wasn't the only person who knew I'd never kissed anyone before, but she was one of the only people who understood why, and she'd never judged me for it. I'd always shied away from relationships, and my attitude towards them stopped any boy before he could even ask me out. That was why Casey had been so surprised when I told her about Luke. I wasn't even sure how I'd gotten myself in that position. Normally things started out normal with boys: we'd hang out, laugh around, sometimes flirtatiously, but I'd always quickly stopped showing any interest before it was too late. I would call him a "great friend" or I would stop talking to him for a while or I would get up and leave him to find my cousin as soon as I saw his cute blonde friend with much more potential then I. But Luke wasn't thrown off. He kept reappearing, and we never really asked each other out, our friendly conversations just took these turns and ended up with us planning to hang out again. I still wasn't in too deep, though.

My phone buzzed. I pulled it out seeing a message from Luke.

Where do you wanna live when you're older?

I smiled, realizing he was continuing our conversation from yesterday.

I don't know, I'll probably stay in America, but I think I wanna try California. You?

New York. Seems amazing.

"Bridge?" Casey spoke up trying to get my attention again. I looked at her nodding. "Just be careful okay?"

"I know, Case." I told Casey reassuringly. I'd had fun with Luke, and I really like him, but I knew that I always pulled out when things got to serious. There was no reason it wouldn't happen this time.

Now I asked the question.

If you could have any pet what would you have?

I'd get a lab. You?

I don't know what kind, but I want a big dog.

"Okay, but Luke's my friend too, and I would hate to see him get hurt. Just be careful, okay?" She looked at me hoping that she hadn't said anything harmful.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything." I got up to put my bowl away.

"Hey, Dani just texted me asking if I wanted to come over for lunch today. Do you wanna come, too?" Casey asked. I told her sure and started making up way upstairs to shower and get changed.

What's your middle name?

Jane. You?


My hearted thumped with each message. This was harmless right?


Dani's house was nicer than Casey's, but it wasn't like a full on mansion. She definitely came from a very nice background. We were sitting outside on her deck eating and talking. Dani and Casey were laughing about something that had happened to them in the past, so I was effectively consuming twice as much food as them trying not look bored, so that they wouldn't feel bad for me. I wasn't bored, honestly, but I just didn't know what to say, so I sat there laughing with them, hoping I wasn't too awkward. My phone buzzed in my pocket. Our messages had paused for a while when Luke excused himself to work, but now here was another message.

This place is so boring. Do you wanna hang out later?


I can come by and pick you after my shift if you'd like?

Sounds perfect :)

"So, Bridgette, how's Australia treating you?" Dani asked politely.

"It's been pretty good, so far. I've been sleeping a lot, though," I receiving a laugh in response.

"She's been spending a lot of time with Luke actually," Casey giggled wiggling her eyebrows at me. My cheeks started turning pink.

"Aw really!" Dani giggled along with Casey. "Do you like him?" she asked.

"Um, I mean I guess! He's really nice," I replied meekly, mentally begging my cheeks to stop getting darker.

"And hot!" Dani burst out laughing, Casey joining her. "You're right he's actually a really sweet guy. He's literally always falling in love." I looked up at her confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He forms a crush on literally every girl he meets. Its adorable, really," Dani laughed again. She snapped her head to Casey, "Omg remember that time he tried to ask that girl out after just having been introduced to her and her boyfriend almost punched him!" She and Casey were laughing so hard at this point. I quickly pulled out my phone

Actually I told Casey I'd spend the day with her, and I don't want to hurt her feelings!

Okay maybe another time then?

Sure :)

I turned my phone off trying to join Casey and Dani as they changed their conversation to some kid at their old high school.

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