Chapter 3

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I woke up due to sounds coming from downstairs. I felt strange and confused for having just had what felt like the best sleep of my life. I rolled out of bed and quickly moved down the stairs. I was still too dazed to figure out who was making so much noise, but the smell of food kept me alert. As soon as I made it into the kitchen, I froze. Luke sat at the counter with Casey, while Aunt Jen prepared pancakes on the stove. I looked at the time on the oven: 5:48. 5:48? As in 5:48 PM? Shit! I was supposed to be out with Luke right now! Luke and Casey turned around in their chairs, probably hearing my soft footsteps across the floor.

"She's alive!" Casey laughed.

"Good morning, honey. I hope you slept well, I know how tiring yesterday was for you. I'm making breakfast for dinner, so you can get two meals in one," Aunt Jen smiled to me. Mumbling a quick thank you, I turned to Luke. I suddenly felt very self-conscious of my appearance realizing my hair must've been a mess and I was in kitten pajamas.

"Luke, I am so sorry. I swear I meant to wake up hours ago. I feel awful," I tried to apologize, but Luke just smiled politely assuring me that no harm had been done. Instead, Casey informed me that he would be staying for dinner.

"Hey, Bridge, come upstairs with me real quick would you?" Casey asked, not waiting for a response before proceeding up the stairs expecting me to follow her. Once safely in my room she let out a line of attack, "Are you and Luke into each other? Did this happen because he drove you home last night? Were you guys going to go on a date?" I immediately fell back onto my bed.

I didn't really know what say back so I just kind of stammered and replied, "Um I don't know, I mean... he's really cute". Casey's sat down next to me letting out a laugh.

"Yeah, he's pretty cute." We sat together silently for a moment.

"Are you guys good friends?" I asked, trying to maintain a casual tone. Secretly I was hoping Casey wouldn't tell me they had once dated.

"Oh yeah, we've been friends since like year 3. He's a really sweet guy," She responded. Then after a moment she added, "Just remember... I know he's charming but you guys live on two different continents... I mean... just keep that in mind, okay?" She didn't want me to get hurt, especially because I was only there for a month. I hadn't even thought that a relationship would be able to bloom that fast anyways. I put Casey's concern out of my mind and instead starting getting up to get dressed. When I returned to the kitchen, Luke was still seated at the counter laughing about something with Casey and her mom.

Dinner was delicious but rather long due to vibrant conversations about who had said what  at yesterday's party and which of Aunt Jen's friend's husbands did what while he was drunk. Casey's dad got off the seat moving to get a cup from the cabinet. As he passed behind his wife he kissed her cheek. No one flinched; this was a completely normal interaction at Casey's house. I had always wished it would be like this at my own house. I couldn't even remember if my family had ever eaten dinner together. I doubt we ever had.  

Aunt Jen announced that she and my uncle would be going out to a movie so the house would be left to the Casey and me, and Luke was welcome to stay as long as he liked. "Do you guys wanna call over some other people?" Casey asked us. "Bridge you could meet some of our other friends in a more calm environment." She chuckled, pulling out her phone to text her friends.

Within the next half hour four of Casey and Luke's other friends had shown up. Everyone was seated in a circle in the living room, and Casey and Luke brought over a couple of cases of beer from out of the garage. Luke casually sat down next to me, opening a pack to get out a bottle. He turned to me, "Do you want one?".  Then more quietly, he leaned over and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you're not 18." He chuckled, flashing his teeth in one of his charming grins. I pushed his shoulder lightly. "Shut up." I replied, rolling my eyes, holding back a smile and grabbing the bottle.

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