Chapter 4

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When I'd come last night, all of Casey's friends were gone and my aunt and uncle had just gotten home from their movie. Casey was already in bed sleeping. I quickly jogged up to her room.

"Case... Case... wake up," I quietly tried to shake her awake. Casey slowly peeled her eyes open, muttering out a "yeah?". I got into the bed with her, facing her. I began telling her about my time with Luke and places we'd visited and finally the deal we'd made for the next day. I had realized on my way home that I didn't really know anything about the restaurants in Sydney or how to get to them, and I needed Casey to her help me plan something. Casey at this point was wide awake, nodding along and giggling at my story.

"Yeah of course, I'll help you. Lets talk about it in the morning though," She replied. "Oh, and Bridge? Set an alarm this time."


"Okay so I turn left onto Woodson Road, and then we walk down a couple blocks and turn left again on Drew Road. And then its on our right?" I had been trying to commit the directions of the restaurant Casey had told me about to memory. It seemed pretty simple: Luke and I were going to catch a train into the city, and from there I just had to lead us through a couple of streets, and we would find it. I had asked Casey to chose a restaurant that Luke was less likely to have been to, so I could be like his tour guide. Now it was almost 7, and I felt nerves in my stomach. It really hadn't taken much for me to start feeling this way towards Luke, but really I didn't know what to expect. Was this a date? Casey was right, though. I'd only be here for a month, how serious of a relationship could we actually have. Then again, I felt so comfortable around him, like we were old friends.

At the sound of the doorbell Casey jumped up, "I got it!". She thought it was cute that her cousin had taken a liking to one of her best friends. I stood up, smoothing out my floral dress, hoping it was casual enough but didn't say "I don't care". Really though, I was hoping it would say whatever Luke was hoping it would say.

"Bri-idge!" Casey called, drawing out my name in a sing-song manner as I came to the door.

"Hey, Luke," I said, taking a full look at him. He was dressed in skin-tight black jeans and a red plaid shirt. He was just so goddamn cute. My cheeks started turning pink hoping I hadn't said that out loud. I walked out the door, shutting it behind me before Casey could say anything embarrassing to either of us.

"Hey, uh, you look really pretty," Luke said, a genuine smile gracing his face.

"Thanks, you too!" I replied before realizing what I'd just said. "I mean nice! You look nice! Shit." I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. Luke let out a deep laugh, his smile turning into a huge grin.

"Well thank you! Its a great complement to be called pretty by you," He chuckled again. "So, where are we going?"

"Hm, well that is a surprise," I replied playfully. He laughed again. "What?"

"I just think its kind of fun that you're taking me to a restaurant in a city you've only been to twice before, and I've lived in my whole life." He smiled looking down at me.

I was starting to get nervous now. "You do like Mexican right?" I asked apprehensively. I was really hoping I didn't mix up the directions or get them lost. I mentally cursed myself for not writing down the directions and keeping them in my purse.

"I love mexican! Good choice, tour guide," Luke grinned. I felt my nerves ease up a little. The train ride was pretty short, and once we were off I began leading us through the city.  We had been walking for a little while when we still hadn't passed Drew Road. Where was it? I didn't think I had missed it, and I was sure that it wasn't that far down, it was only supposed be like  4 blocks down...

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