Chapter 13: Exposed

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Erwin's POV

"So, what was (y/n) doing here?" I ask Levi as I sit in the chair (y/n) just left. Her lavender scent still hung in the air.

"I was making sure she is mentally ready for the upcoming expedition." He replied, focusing on the stack of papers he had in front of him.

"You didn't tell her the real plan, did you?" I inquire, leaning back in my chair a bit, studying Levi.

"Of course not," He answered, "Although, it may be a good idea to talk to her about it when we get back. Maybe she's heard or read about the possibility of other titan shifters from her time in the capital."

Hm, that may not be a bad idea. It's too risky to press her about it now, but maybe something will jog her memory when we get back...

The silence of the room is interrupted by Hange. "Don't you know how to knock?" Levi grumbled as Hange pulls up a chair beside me.

She waved off his question and went straight into her own, "I was thinking about (y/n), don't you think she could be a potential useful source of information from the capital?"

Funny, (y/n) seems to be on everyone's minds today, though I guess that is to be expected, "We were just talking about her actually," I nod, "But I am a bit concerned about her remembering too much. When I spoke with Dr. Thompson, he warned me not to dig too far."

"But what if she can remember something really important?" Hange argues, "What if it could really be useful? I'm sure (y/n) would want to help anyway she can."

"We don't know enough," Levi cuts in, "Plus, there is no guarantee she will remember anything."

"I've read up on ways to recover lost memories," Hange said excitedly, "Maybe we could try that!"

"No." Levi and I both answer. I'm also curious to know what is buried deep in her mind, but I'll never make her suffer for my own curiosity... Funny how I say that now, exactly how many people have suffered for my curiosity in the past?

Before we could continue the conversation, Cadet Blouse burst into Levi's office.

"What the hell are you doing, Cadet?!" Levi yells at the terrified looking girl.

"I'm sorry, sir. But (y/n) is in trouble, please hurry!" She gasped as she tried to catch her breath.

Without another word we all ran after her toward their dorm room.

It doesn't take us long, we burst through the door and saw (y/n) being pinned against the window by a man who appeared to be kissing her neck. Anger flared up in me immediately and I quickly rushed over to the man, grabbed him and threw all my weight into him, pinning him against the wall.

(Y/n) fell to the ground, eyes open but didn't seem to see anything. She looked lifeless; there was no light in her (e/c) eyes, and she just stared at the ground, unmoving. Then I notice the blood on the floor and the broken window. (Y/n) had shards of glass sticking out of her back.

"Hange, get (y/n) and bring her to my office, it's closer than the hospital wing. Levi, go get Dr. Thompson." I say to them, not taking my eyes off the man in front of me.

The man had shoulder length silvery blonde hair and looked to be in his mid to late 50s. I wanted to go with (y/n), but I had to deal with this vermin.

"Who are you?" I growled at him.

"Her owner." He replies as he sneers at me.

"You're Lawrence, aren't you?" I ask him, tightening my hold on him even more.

A Reason to Fight (Levi x Reader x Erwin)Where stories live. Discover now