Chapter 22: The Rescue

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Time skip, 3 days later

Levi's POV

I was pacing around Erwin's office, waiting for him to be finished reading the letter he received. Hange and Mike were sitting in chairs in front of Erwin's desk.

We've been waiting for a few days now for permission to send out a search party for (y/n). The higher ups have been taking their sweet ass time, and the longer we leave (y/n) out there, the slimmer her chances for survival get.

Maybe that's what they want, there are a lot of people in the capital who would probably be relieved to hear of (y/n)'s death. Any possible condemning memories she possesses dying with her.

Erwin puts down the letter and sighs as he rubs the bridge of his nose. "Well?" Hange prompted him nervously.

"They said they will not authorize a search party for (y/n). Even if she is a valuable and talented solider, it's too risky to send us out to save her." Erwin explained angrily, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Well, they're not wrong, Erwin," Hange said carefully, "We don't even know for sure if she is even alive."

I slam my hand down on Erwin's desk, startling all 3 of them, "That's bullshit," I growl at her, "If anyone can survive in the worst of circumstances, it's (y/n). She's alive, and I'm going to get her no matter what those assholes say."

"Levi, I understand your frustration," Hange says, not backing down, "But the scouts can't afford to lose you and Erwin. You're humanities strongest solider, and Erwin, you're the best Commander the Survey Corps has ever had. We can't risk losing either one of you."

I knew she was right, of course she had a point. But in this moment, it doesn't matter to me. I refuse to believe she is dead, and one way or another she will be back.

"They can't go, but I can," I hear Mike speak up for the first time, "If she's still alive in that forest, I can sniff her out."

"How will you exit the walls?" Hange asks him, "The Garrison has been given orders to watch the gates at all times, how will you and a horse get out?"

"They must really not want (y/n) to come back if they are cracking down on the garrison like this," Mike says thoughtfully, "I guess it would be best for them, lest she come back and speak out against the capital. Even if her memories are lost, there is still that possibility she could remember lingering in the back of their minds, I'm sure."

"I'll talk to Pixis," Erwin said, "Maybe I can convince him to let out a small search party for (y/n)."

"How are you going to do that?" Hange asked him curiously, "He's in the capital at the moment. And you can't go to the capital without them hounding you about custody over Eren."

"I'll figure something out," He answered simply, "Mike, if you can, gather up a few other scouts to go with you. Volunteer only though, don't coerce anyone."

Mike nods and gets up from his seat and heads towards the door, "I'll go with you too, I can't stand not seeing her pretty little face here." Hange sighed as she followed Mike out of Erwin's office.

Erwin and I were the only ones left in his office now. "Continue being on the lookout for anymore co-conspirators of the female titan," Erwin says to me as he stands up from his desk, "I will find out when Pixis is due back from the capital, and speak to him then. It can't be more than a couple days."

"You should know I have feelings for her too, Erwin," I say quietly, as he heads for the door, "I know you do too, but that won't stop me."

"No, I doubt it would stop you," He replies, hand hovering over the door handle, "I won't hold back either." With that he leaves his office.

A Reason to Fight (Levi x Reader x Erwin)Where stories live. Discover now