Chapter 134 - Kaishi Trial

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Summary: Impa's son begins his last trial before becoming a Sheikah warrior. With Mila's persistent help, Link keeps plugging away at organizing his journal. Queen Zelda seeks to learn more about what's happening. The Poe Collector learns what they are searching for.

It was a cloudy but mild morning in Kakariko Village as Impa and her husband Kalan prepared to say goodbye to their son, Palan. Palan had just turned seventeen, and it was time for his "Kaishi Trial," the last step before becoming a full-fledged Sheikah warrior.

Kaishi was an ancient Sheikah tradition that had continued right up to the present day. Young men and women who wished to become Sheikah warriors first went through a rigorous training regimen in the arts of stealth, swordsmanship, archery, and hand-to-hand combat. Those who completed that portion of their training, and were at least seventeen, must then complete the Kaishi Trial. This required them to spend three months in the wild journeying to all fifteen regions of Hyrule, living entirely on their own resources and remaining undetected by anyone save a Rito. They wore traditional Sheikah garments but with a special symbol showing they were on Kaishi so that anyone discovering them could report it, though they were honor-bound to do so themselves. Sheikah throughout Hyrule were also alerted whenever a candidate began this trial so that they would keep a special lookout. If discovered before the trial ended, the candidate had to wait a month before trying again. A third failure disqualified them for good.

Since he had turned twelve years old, Palan knew he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his father, Kalan. Kalan was a distinguished Sheikah warrior, known for his exceptional stealth ability. Several times he eluded detection by their own Sheikah guards and entered Impa's house disguised as a Yiga Clan Blademaster. Nineteen years ago, under the alias Lanka, Kalan had risked his life infiltrating the Yiga Clan as a spy. His work back then had led to the failure of the Yiga Clan's plot to disable the Divine Beasts and kill Queen Zelda and her family. And Kalan's espionage work also indirectly led to the death of Dark Link in the Lanayru Wetlands when Link and Dark Link battled each other to the death. Only Link's daughter Mila's timely intervention had saved Link's life. Since then, Kalan was a sought-after trainer and mentor in Kakariko Village.

"I'm looking forward to this, and I'll be fine," said Palan as he prepared to say goodbye. "I studied under the best."

"We're both proud of you, and we know you will," said Kalan as he and Palan hugged.

"Be careful," said Impa. "And remember that if you chance upon something important, you must break your Kaishi trial and report it."

"I will, Mother, and I know the rules," said Palan as he hugged Impa.

With that, Palan turned to leave.

"See you in three months," Palan smiled. "And not before."

Then he left and was on his own, as his Kaishi trial would start the day after leaving Kakariko Village. He had to decide which region to visit first, and it seemed logical to work his way across Hyrule. He could head to the northeast first and then work his way west across the relatively barren north part of Hyrule.

After Palan left, Impa and Kalan smiled at each other.

"Our little boy has grown up," said Kalan. "At least Kaishi is safer now than it was in our day."

"Perhaps," said Impa thoughtfully. "I always knew Palan would follow in your path. He looks up to you so much. But as he said, he studied under the best, and that gives me confidence that he'll succeed."

They kissed, then Kalan left to train some students and Impa prepared for her next meeting, a Tab call with Queen Zelda.

Queen Zelda had requested a call with Impa because she had been growing concerned over strange things happening around Hyrule. The Gerudo discovered someone lurking by one of the ancient Zonai labyrinths who jumped to their death. And Luminous Stones were being harvested. She had shared her concerns with Link, and he shared them too. But neither she nor Link knew what to do at this point. At first, she had thought of discussing all this with Dr. Purah, and she still might. But she realized Purah was more of a technology expert. This involved something else, maybe history or magic. She was hoping a discussion with Impa might help.

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