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2 days before the apocalypse. . .

Lia pov

It's been 5 days when I first met Dreamies. We became really close I was happy that I found other friends that wouldn't judge me for my past. When I told them about my past they were sad to hear it, but they never judged me.

In the past 5 days I also met the reat of their friend groups they call them "NCT" for short. I dont know them really well, tbh I never saw them that often I only hung up with dream but the others seems like a very funny group.

"W0W" Jaemin said when he saw our results. "How did we even do this in 5 days only?" Renjun asked himself "idk but it was pretty hard to decorate this big ass gym" I said with proud "I wonder where Chenle and Haechan are" suddenly we heard a loud voice scream "YAH!" "Why did u even asked for him jaemin" I asked "well idk."

We exited the gym to see what happened outside.. damn what are they doing.
Lemme explain you the situation..
Haechan is on a tree, jisung hanging half on the tree and chenle is holding a dog-

Renjun: "wth is going on.." he looked like he just saw a ghost


JAEMIN: " . . . Jisung come down. Now."

Jisung: "hyung I cant-"

Haechan kicked jisung in the face (ofc not that hard uwu) "now your down thank me later ^_^"
I just stood there while they fought each other. Tbh this happens all the time. I just went back in the gym, after a few seconds I heard them coming in.

"Did u just leave me alone here with those idiots"
"sorry Renjun but I needed to clean the floor cause someone ehem chenle ehem spilled fake blood all over the floor"

"tell that to your mom"
"Ok ok okkkk reolli"
I just face palmed myself
"Stop fighting in here" I scolded them they looked at me and then said sorry
"So we're done with the decorations and everything, but we still have 2 days left. So what should we do"

"Ice Cream" I heard jaemin saying
I nodded and clapped like a exited puppy. I looked to jeno he flashed my an eye smile and nodded.
I stood up from the floor and walked towards the exit with chenle
"Hurrrryyy up!"

After we ate ice cream we went to their dorms to play some games.
"Liaaaaa you should go home it's almost dark outside already" i looked to jaemin and agreed.

Before I exited the dorm Jeno came towards me "should I bring you home?" "It could be dangerous outside" I smiled and told him that it's fine he nodded and he told me to take care and text him when I went back home. I chuckled and went finally home.

At home
When I entered i saw my dad and mom sitting on the couch. "Sweetie can you come here for a talk?" My mom asked.
I walked towards the couch and sat down in front if them "so what is it?".

My dad looked at my mom then back to me "you remember when we told you to take self defense classes?" "Yes?"
" so your mom and I had a reason for it and it could help you in the future. Also the lessons for using weapons" "dad.. what is the point 9f this conversation?" I said confused by the sudden talk

"Well your mom and me have to move because of our job. But you will stay here since we thought it would be bad to let you change again."

"Oh ok how long do you guys leave? Will you come back? When are you leaving?" I asked without a pause
My dad chuckled " we'll visit you but most of the time we'll video call you from the labor out so your not completely alone. Also we're leaving in midnight"

I looked at the watch and realized it's almost midnight already. "You gonna leave now?" I asked in disbelief "yes hun, they just told us the news today  our things already moved to our new house" I looked at my mom then i stood up and hugged them "I'm going to miss you"

" we'll miss you to Lia.. take care"
The bell rang and my mom took her suitcase and went out my dad did the same before they drove away they looked at me and told me
  " remember  mommy and daddy loves you" with that they drove away..

I'm back with another cringe and useless chapter :))
I REALLY hope it's going to be better when the apocalypse start-
Also it could be very detailed-
Anyway take care uwu 🦋

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